Welcome the channel on the development of Cro, a set of libraries for building reactive distributed systems, lovingly crafted to take advantage of all the Raku Programming Language has to offer (cro.services). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
jnthn SmokeMachine: Pretty sure that works (and should work) 09:26
SmokeMachine maybe I was doing something wrong... but I've resolved that in a different way... it was saying it couldn't find an argument to my :part... I've resolved that with a single part with 2 arguments... (github.com/FCO/Cro-WebSocket-WebCo...crotmp#L7) 09:28
jnthn: is that possible to return an specific type and that mean that it should use &HTML and/or &HTML-AND-JAVASCRIPT automatically? 09:29
s/an/a/ 09:30
son here (github.com/FCO/Cro-WebSocket-WebCo...crotmp#L8) for example, I could do: <$todos.new(:$todo-list)> and the obj created could have an .Str that would (call .render, and) return that type, automatically not escaping the content. 09:36
jnthn SmokeMachine: Please can you make issues for these (and some of the other wishes you had); I'm 200% sure that I'm going to forget all these otherwise :) 10:23
SmokeMachine jnthn: sure! but is that something would make sense? 10:24
jnthn It may do, yes.
I mean, I want to think about it a bit, but my first reaction is that it's reasonable
SmokeMachine jnthn: github.com/croservices/cro-webapp/issues/77 10:50
jnthn: the type names aren't suggestions, but I had to use any name to make sense