12 Aug 2024
timo but a try { ... } around everything and then "die not-found" (even though not-found doesn't return anything) *kinda* does it? :D it also eats other kinds of exceptions though which is not ideal 19:58
CATCH { when $! === Nil { note "my control flow!" } } is not the absolute worst ... 20:01
well, the documentation does warn against putting business logic into handlers 20:24
15 Aug 2024
Geth cro: 07ad6b7b54 | timo++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | .github/workflows/ci.yml
Try a newer "oldest" raku version in CI

the current 2021.03 seems to have trouble with Digest::SHA2 where it tries to unbox a 64bit wide bigint to an integer and fails (signed/unsigned related maybe?)
cro: 3b662cad67 | timo++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | .github/workflows/ci.yml
use 2022.02 which actually exists

i somehow managed to hit one of the few release holes by total accident
cro: 504feacf83 | (Patrick Böker)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | .github/workflows/ci.yml
Merge pull request #163 from timo/patch-2

Try a newer "oldest" raku version in CI
cro: d6791ec7d8 | timo++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | README.md
fix links in readme

  "cro commandline tool" was not a link, and doc link should be docs instead
cro: 431bf6236d | (Patrick Böker)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | README.md
Merge pull request #162 from timo/patch-1

fix links in readme, add --/test back to install intsruction
timo cool thanks 08:18
patrickb YW. Thanks for your work! 09:01
24 Aug 2024
coleman Update on cro.raku.org github.com/Raku/infra/issues/51#is...2308558941 22:32
Can someone with Op on this channel update the channel topic to the new website domain? 22:33
28 Aug 2024
Geth cro/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/web-frontend/webpack-5.94.0: d0f63c4319 | dependabot[bot]++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
Bump webpack from 3.6.0 to 5.94.0 in /web-frontend

Bumps [webpack](github.com/webpack/webpack) from 3.6.0 to 5.94.0.
  - [Release notes](github.com/webpack/webpack/releases)
  - [Commits](github.com/webpack/webpack/compare.....v5.94.0)
... (6 more lines)
cro: dependabot[bot]++ created pull request #164:
Bump webpack from 3.6.0 to 5.94.0 in /web-frontend
31 Aug 2024
ab5tract jnthn: I hope you've had an excellent summer so far. Though saddened by the news out of Edument, I totally understand. I'm working at following the instructions at github.com/Raku/intellij-ide-plugi...s/build.md 17:10
At first I didn't understand that the .cmd files are apparently some sort of wild cross-platform batch+bash shell script 17:11
After getting over that, I'm now struck by the fact that I can't seem to find a package matching `edument.perl6.comma.build` 17:12
Would this be something specific to the (now 404) repo `github.com/edumentab/intellij-community.git` ?
(I know this isn't cro-specific, but I wasn't sure where else to ping you that wasn't significantly larger in terms of audience) 17:14
ab5tract laughs at himself for only thinking of a direct message after the fact 17:15
jnthn ab5tract: I thought I'd done a transfer of that to the Raku org, but maybe somehow it was forgotten. Just initiated a repository transfer now 20:06
github.com/Raku/intellij-community is there now 20:07
ab5tract jnthn: thanks!!
jnthn You probably need the checkout of the perl6-idea-plugin repo inside of the checkout of that one 20:08
ab5tract I think there might have been some confusion about naming, maybe github.com/Raku/intellij-ide-fork was what was needed all along
jnthn Ah!
So I did do it after all :) 20:09
Just with a more sensible name :)
ab5tract I'll take another stab and ping you directly if I'm too dumb to progress :)
naming, the answer to and cause of all $programmer problems :)
1 Sep 2024
Unfortunately the same issue exists when using `intellij-ide-fork` : `FATAL: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Module 'edument.perl6.comma.build' was not found` 10:26
ah, that's right .. when I forked it, I lost the `comma-223.4884` branch. now things are probably back on track. cheers! 10:34
12 Sep 2024
coleman Removed Edument branding from cro.raku.org/ 00:27
Merges to main on github.com/raku/cro-website will automatically build a container with a unique tag now. Still not automatically deployed but I'll get there. 00:28