15 Jan 2025
librasteve SmokeMachine: I like your idea of an is trait on the class ... I am not so happy with trait name of is not-using-crotmp since that may be confusing for a newbie that comes to <<HTML::Functional components>> and does not know about Cro Templates ... lemme see if I can come up with something we can both agree 17:14
SmokeMachine I still think that’s is an easier way to do components with html::functional with out cromponent 17:16
librasteve ok I still think that’s is an easier way to do components with html::functional with out cromponent <=== please can you explain this since there is a a typo in this sentence 17:51
do you mean I should drop trying to PR your Cromponent module and just do something different? 17:52
[which is fine by me since I am spending all my raku tuits on failing to keep up with your code changes] 17:53
patrickb I believe it's finally release time! 22:06
Geth cro/main: 55c0caa5d1 | (Patrick Böker)++ | lib/Cro/Tools/Template/Common.rakumod
Bump docker images to 0.8.10
cro-core/main: 975913243a | (Patrick Böker)++ | META6.json
Bump version to 0.8.10
cro-core/main: cfabfbc8bd | (Patrick Böker)++ | 2 files
Bump version to 0.8.10
cro-http/main: 8f8fd41993 | (Patrick Böker)++ | 2 files
Bump version to 0.8.10
cro-tls/main: 2be4b0c173 | (Patrick Böker)++ | 2 files
Bump version to 0.8.10
cro-webapp/main: 0175bc491e | (Patrick Böker)++ | 2 files
Bump version to 0.9.0
cro-websocket/main: 6d5690ffde | (Patrick Böker)++ | 2 files
Bump version to 0.8.10
patrickb github.com/croservices/cro-website/pull/13 22:54
The release notes are up for review. Please everyone have a look and approve or tell what to change!
16 Jan 2025
SmokeMachine librasteve: I mean the only thing I see you are using from components is the `is accessible` and for that you are adding a lot of weird stuff for templates you are not using... maybe a better solution would be if I externalize the `is accessible` to a different module, use that module on cromponent and you could use that (the only thing you are using) on your Functional::Component (or whatever name you would like to call it). What 07:48
do you think?
patrickb The new release script and the announcement on the website are now also merged. 15:23
The only remaining item: The `cro` distros release doesn't seem to become visible in the ecosystem. I've already pinged tonyo. 15:24
17 Jan 2025
librasteve patrickb: great job! 17:46
SmokeMachine: I guess I have failed to convince you that having a single Cro Component module that can accommodate both crotmp and functional styles will be sufficient benefit. Tbh this is a gut feeling and I have no evidence either way. Thanks for your patience - I will take your advice and go a parallel path. 17:52
Two parting shots: (i) is accessible is imo a poor name for this trait since it is easily confused with general accessibility features and (ii) I have come to like the idea of :id(0) when I have just one singleton component - ie if you expressly set id=0 then the instance becomes the only instance in town (and I am a bit queasy about EVALs in the route block so can just use url-path = '.../0/...' 17:55
xinming Hi, How do we ask cro to listen to all ipv4 and ipv6 interfaces in Cro::HTTP::Server ??? 19:55
It seems, listens to all ipv4 addresses, and :: listens to all ipv6 addresses, What is the right way to handle them both instead of starting 2 instances?
18 Jan 2025
SmokeMachine librasteve: (i) my intention was to a new module export a function that could be used on a trait, and not the trait itself… (ii) the reason for the eval is not related to ids or paths, but because of cro… I couldn’t find a way to make (for example) `get -> “component_name”, …` with dynamic component_name (so, I tried something like `get -> Str $name where { $_ eq $name }, …`) work for multiple routes… when there 07:46
was a single component using that it worked… but when more are added , it starts breaking… does anyone know a better way of doing that?
patrickb A quick note: doing a release is now pretty much automated. See github.com/croservices/release for how to do it. 11:42
24 Jan 2025
xinming Anyone here has good ways to auto restart cro service so it can be easiier for doing developement please? 17:18
patrickb not entirely sure, but I think the "cro" tool can do that 17:57
coleman if you need to run a more elaborate script, try entr eradman.com/entrproject/ 19:20
but I do think the cro tool does have a hot reload mode for template updates. I haven't used it for a while though 19:21
it was a part of docs.raku.org before we went all-static
melezhik. Yes cro app when runs in dev mode does hot reload on changes in any file 19:58
xinming Ok, thanks, I lost cro cli for a long while, and now, when I create project, I copy the skeleton to other folder, and rename modules. 20:41
Xliff Hello! 23:39
I'm trying to see if I can act on Cro internal exceptions when I am running a Cro server. Say an exception of type X::Cro::HTTP::Router::OnlyInHandler is thrown. Is there any way for me to act on that at the application level? 23:40
Near as I can tell, it looks like Cro handles those internally and I can't even get a notice that such has occurred at the application logic level. 23:41
*SMACK* -- there is Cro::UnhandledErrorReporter.... thanks anyways! 23:44
28 Jan 2025
librasteve htmx.org/essays/htmx-sucks/ 22:41