18 Jul 2024
lizmat patrickb: I have the power to merge, but I'm seeing CI failing.. 06:14
worse: I can't even see anymore why they are failing, as the logs have expired 06:15
perhaps we need a PR to get CI whipped into shape first ?
patrickb lizmat: Thanks for the offer! Just to be clear, I have the power to merge as well. What I need is a review. (Because we said, that the policy should be to not merge without a review.) I'll see what I can do about the CI. 06:51
Geth cro-http: patrickbkr++ created pull request #196:
Bump certs
patrickb lizmat: ^ This should get the tests passing again. Once that's merged, I can rebase my PRs onto it. 12:51
Open question: Should we for now pause the "require review" rule for non-feature (i.e. bugfix) changes that don't change the API? (Such changes can't add irreversible "damage". They can easily be reverted.) I'm unsure this is a good idea 13:43
or a bad idea.
[Coke] In general, I'm in favor of require review for something in the community bucket. 13:51
Which sounds like I'm volunteering to help review PRs in the bucket. (I guess I am?) 13:52
My issue with committing to review is that, IIRC, I couldn't install all of Cro on my mac the last time I tried. 13:53
patrickb I think there is often less incentive reviewing PRs than there is creating them, because a PR I make scratches my itch, while a PR someone else creates scratches their itch. 14:07
And then reviewing a PR often feels like taking responsibility for a change while creating a PR feels less so. I guess that's just psychology we have to live with. 14:11
Question is, what can we change to improve the dynamics? 14:12
Can you provide more info on the Cro on Mac failure? We should do something about that. 14:17
[Coke] I don't remember the actual issue at this point, I'll try a fresh install and see. 15:41
the only reason to run with --/test is for speed, yes? I should still expect all tests to pass?
doing a zef install --serial --verbose cro - (did on without serial, and it got to cro itself but appeared to hang) 16:02
Do we need NETWORKING_TESTING set for anything in cro's testing? 16:03
cro seems to hang on tests here: [cro] ok 11 - Got log line mentioning status code 16:19
I'll check out that version and test in-repo
That's midway through t/tools-runner.rakutest 16:21
patrickb It managed to get to "cro"? Given that "cro" is just the command line tool to help a bit with minting and running projects, the interesting bits seem to all have been installed. 17:29
[Coke] ah, I think this might be github.com/croservices/cro/issues/85 17:51
lizmat Mojave is sooo 2019 :-) 17:52
[Coke] I hate OS names so much. I'm on Sonoma now 17:53
lizmat actually... so 2015
the thing is, the IRC logs server runs on a 2015 iMac with Mojave
and it's based on cro :-)
patrickb So it is non-reproducably failing on Mojave onwards? 17:57
It's a failure in the "cro" distribution, it doesn't affect any Cro apps themself as "cro" is a dev tool. 17:58
Looking at the test file, it's possible the failures are fixed by the PRs of mine. 18:01
lizmat sadly, that box is the only one I have running Mojave still, and it's doing production, so I'd rather not run any testing on it 18:02
patrickb Let me revise that. I don't think the error is fixed by the PRs of mine. It's using Cro::HTTP::Client, but not reusing connections. 18:16
[Coke] Should we get issues/commits/prs announced in here? 22:05
[Coke] opens github.com/croservices/cro-http/issues/197
oops, it's actually in cro::uri 22:13
19 Jul 2024
Geth cro-core: patrickbkr++ created pull request #40:
Fix parsing URIs with empty path segments
cro-core: patrickbkr++ created pull request #41:
Fix CI
22 Jul 2024
patrickb Can I get an eye on github.com/croservices/cro-http/pull/196 14:32
coleman looks good 15:59
23 Jul 2024
Geth cro-http/master: 4 commits pushed by (Patrick Böker)++ 07:42
patrickb CI now works again. I have rebased cro-http #191, #192 and #193 onto HEAD, all now pass the CI and can be reviewed. 07:57
Also cro-core #41 (Fixing CI in cro-core) passes it's test after 2 retries. That can also be reviewed. 08:02
[Coke] patrickb++ 12:21