Welcome the channel on the development of Cro, a set of libraries for building reactive distributed systems, lovingly crafted to take advantage of all the Raku Programming Language has to offer (cro.services). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
09:11 sena_kun joined 11:04 rypervenche left 16:35 sena_kun left 16:57 sena_kun joined 20:49 xinming left 20:51 xinming joined
SmokeMachine Hi! does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here? gist.github.com/FCO/e08b717af87627...8147c08b7e 22:02
it seems my request finds the correct route, executes it but continues trying to execute the other routes and then breaks... 22:07
This a smaller version of this (github.com/FCO/HTML-Component/blob...r.rakumod) where I got this error 22:14
lizmat: any idea? 22:15
lizmat nothing jumps out :-( 22:56
jnthn SmokeMachine: `where` blocks are not closures; they're traits attached at runtime, so there's one static where block 22:58
SmokeMachine But when I print inside of it, it prints the right values… 🤔 23:00
gist.github.com/FCO/e08b717af87627...-output-L1 23:01
jnthn: 👆
jnthn Try a `print` inside of the `where`
The block is a closure, but a signature is not copied per closure 23:02
SmokeMachine That’s a say inside the when… gist.github.com/FCO/e08b717af87627...ile-cli-L9
And it continues trying even after a True result… 23:03
On my original implementation I had made the test a block and passed the block to the where: github.com/FCO/HTML-Component/blob...akumod#L35 23:07
jnthn: 👆 23:09
jnthn: I tried doing `my &where = -> Int $i, Int $actual { say "$actual == $i -> { $actual == $i }"; $actual == $i }` and used it on when like: `post -> Int $a where &where.assuming: $i {...}` 23:18
I 'm still getting: www.irccloud.com/pastebin/bBAmBlLc/ 23:19
is there a way to do that inside a loop? 23:21
or the only solution is have a single route and do the validation inside of it? 23:23
jnthn Nol the `where` block is not a closure. You can try requesting /0 and /1 and probably observe it always compares against the same RHS
It's either that or something EVAL-y 23:24
SmokeMachine ok, I'll try that...thanks 23:25
jnthn You can completely golf Cro out of it, fwiw 23:26
raku -e 'my @x; ^3.map: -> $i { @x.push(-> $ where { say $i; $_ == $i } { say $i }) }; @x[0](0)'
SmokeMachine yes... 23:31
m: my @x; ^3 .map: -> $i { @x.push(-> $ where { say $i; $_ == $i } { say $i }) }; @x[0](2)
oh, sorry... no camelia... :(
23:45 sena_kun left