Welcome the channel on the development of Cro, a set of libraries for building reactive distributed systems, lovingly crafted to take advantage of all the Raku Programming Language has to offer (cro.services). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
00:07 japhb joined 00:44 Pe_Elle left 00:45 Pe_Elle joined 00:49 Pe_Elle left 01:21 Pe_Elle joined 01:26 Pe_Elle left 01:27 Pe_Elle joined 04:32 sena_kun joined 07:04 Pe_Elle left 07:17 Pe_Elle joined 07:22 Pe_Elle left 08:03 Pe_Elle joined 08:07 Pe_Elle left 08:21 Pe_Elle joined 08:26 Pe_Elle left 08:39 sena_kun left 09:02 Pe_Elle joined 09:08 Pe_Elle left 09:11 Pe_Elle joined 09:29 Pe_Elle left 09:30 Pe_Elle joined 09:34 Pe_Elle left 09:50 Pe_Elle joined 09:55 Pe_Elle left 10:09 Pe_Elle joined 10:17 Pe_Elle left 10:37 emakei joined
emakei hi. i'm trying to build small system with Cro and need understand how to find info about for example 'static'. Do i can parametrise html? Do I can use CSRF? 10:40
or maybe something like: "static <= header <= body <= my-hash-with-params"? 10:43
&static.WHY saying that i cannot use any params but this module is only that has working WHY. anyway thanks 10:45
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patrickb emakei: You should have a look at cro.raku.org/docs/reference/cro-webapp-template 11:31
emakei yes but now I see that I was blind 11:32
thx a lot
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