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aruniecrisps Hi everyone, so I've been using cro to make this for a while, github.com/arunvickram/begumpura and i was wondering if there was any way to speed up the build time when running cro run? I'm getting like 2-3 second delays when refreshing the page 16:01
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librasteve hi arun … sorry i was unable to help via your pm … having looked at the source i would guess that the server build time is dominated by running the 16ish crotmp files through the syntax Grammar (as mentioned Raku Grammars are doing a lot and they can be quite slow) 20:40
I suggest you comment out the use statements for a chunk of these and see if the build time is faster … then you will know where the slow path is 20:41
If that’s the case, then maybe you can move the “library” of crotmp to a module and zef install that so that these are already precompiled ….?? 20:44
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aruniecrisps @librasteve i feel like you shouldn't have to do any of that to not have a relatively slow feedback loop for a framework like cro 22:54
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