Welcome the channel on the development of Cro, a set of libraries for building reactive distributed systems, lovingly crafted to take advantage of all the Raku Programming Language has to offer (cro.services). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
Geth cro-http/router-plugin-api-and-resources: 090c754e43 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 9 files
Provide working serving of resources

There was a previous attempt - `static-resource` - however, it did not work correctly, because %?RESOURCES always looks for the resources of the current distribution, which meant it would always look at the Cro::HTTP distribution's resources. This meant that it passed the tests, but that was about it. ... (12 more lines)
cro-http/router-plugin-api-and-resources: ece966d64c | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 9 files
Provide working serving of resources

There was a previous attempt - `static-resource` - however, it did not work correctly, because %?RESOURCES always looks for the resources of the current distribution, which meant it would always look at the Cro::HTTP distribution's resources. This meant that it passed the tests, but that was about it. ... (12 more lines)
cro-http/router-plugin-api-and-resources: 9f72b15d84 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 3 files
Provide for other plugins wanting resources

We'll also make it so that Cro::WebApp::Template can serve resources. However, it would be nice if we only had to associate the resources with the routes using `resources-from` once for both serving static files and for templates; templates will then need a single extra opt-in to say that resources should be considered. Therefore, expose a sub that can be used to resolve a resource, so Cro::WebApp::Template can use that.
Altreus verbose commit messages are nice and all but heck
Geth cro-http: jnthn++ created pull request #142:
Router plugin API and corrected handling of serving resources
jnthnwrthngtn Especially so when I mess something up so push a new version of one of the commits :) 10:13
Altreus the main problem with force-push is robots xD 10:14
jnthnwrthngtn I've not found humans on the receiving end of them universally better... :) 10:17
Altreus that's a clue-stick issue 10:19
Every time a human has had a problem with my force-push I have had to quiz them on why they were using my branch in the first place
Od1n hello everyone 13:17
i did not found the source of the web site so sorry for not providing a patch but cro.services/docs/intro/getstarted example uses the .p6 file expansion when should be .raku 13:20
lizmat Use of Nil in string context 16:05
in sub escape-attribute at /Users/liz/Github/rakudo.moar/install/share/perl6/site/sources/6A3C744A4C03D3F2184D2210CC3CFBC8E0DBAFDA (Cro::WebApp::Template::AST) line 311
I wish it would tell me the line in the template, or in my code instead :-)
jnthnwrthngtn That may be possible, please make an issue in cro-webapp 16:29
lizmat jnthnwrthngtn: will do 19:05