Welcome the channel on the development of Cro, a set of libraries for building reactive distributed systems, lovingly crafted to take advantage of all the Raku Programming Language has to offer (cro.services). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
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librasteve_ o/ 15:02
I am trying to run Cro on a clean ubuntu machine build on AWS EC 24.04LTS … as you would expect I am user ubuntu and I can sudo to do stuff as root 15:03
I can run a cro service locally eg on port 10000 and view the result with lynx, but when I try to attach to port 80 I run into issues…
`ubuntu: ~/simple raku simple.raku` gives permission denied error 15:05
this is `ubuntu: sudo raku simple.raku` ;-( www.irccloud.com/pastebin/Inl5W71w 15:06
this is `ubuntu: sudo raku -I/home/ubuntu/.raku simple.raku ` (that being where zef has installed my Cro::HTTP::Server and so on) www.irccloud.com/pastebin/P5uHRVFy 15:08
are there any ubuntu folk who can help?? please
librasteve [double check AWS security group ...] 15:12
librasteve_ yep that seems ok `IPv4 HTTP TCP 80` 15:13
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librasteve_ nmap output www.irccloud.com/pastebin/rElJZSH6 15:20
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librasteve_ okaaay - some time later I realised that trying to bridge between running cro as ubuntu and needing to be root to grab port 80 would best be done with nginx in the long term anyway 17:09
so I found some advice here chatgpt.com/share/6748a185-c690-80...bf8018dd7d and, lo and behold it works! 17:10
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