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Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
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librasteve SmokeMachine: I have taken the liberty of writing a protoype HTML::Component::CroTmp prototype that use the current version of Cro WebApp - please do feel free to try it and get a feel for what can sit in a class and why the route block is used with an instance etc. gist.github.com/librasteve/3f435bc...1b72af8389 18:05
comments / feedback are very welcome here
there are quite a lot of constraints from the way that the repository gets precompiled so I have chosen to go the "write template to disk when the route is consumed" to maintain consistency. this proto only covers the scope of HTML (not CSS / JS) which I would like to also have in a component setting so. My original larger scheme hoped to marry HTML components ("islands") and to use crotmp ... but based on this 18:11
prototype, I am now feeling that crotmp is not really compatible with the idea of islands.
SmokeMachine I’ve been playing with an idea extremely similar but completely different. I’m far from my computer now, when I’m back home, I’ll commit it to let you see that… it’s using your template-inline… but it adds the components as sub on every template… I’m still trying to find a better way to integrate format and the data… I’ll let you know when o commit it…
18:12 Pe_Elle left
librasteve yeah - I think that template-inline could work ... this proto was assuming "I wanna do something dynamic with my component, so its base tamplate would have some subs and then there would be an action crotmp to cal the subs... which by then have to be in the repo. 18:13
anyway, please do share 18:14
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SmokeMachine librasteve: here it is: github.com/FCO/Cromponent/blob/mai...onent.raku 20:45
librasteve tx 20:46
SmokeMachine if you clone that and use your fork from cro template it should work...
librasteve ok
will take a look thanks!!
20:46 Pe_Elle left
SmokeMachine here are the guts: github.com/FCO/Cromponent/blob/mai...nt.rakumod 20:46
it's not pretty... `template-with-components` adds the componets' subs every time... 20:47
and I gm still trying to find a way to not neet to call the sub AND pass the object (like on: `<&Todo($todo)>`) but I still have no idea... I'll maybe try to take a look how Form is implemented to see if that could help... 20:50
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