Welcome the channel on the development of Cro, a set of libraries for building reactive distributed systems, lovingly crafted to take advantage of all the Raku Programming Language has to offer (cro.services). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
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SmokeMachine Where is this project? I’d like to take a look at those Red calls, if possible 01:16
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aruniecrisps @SmokeMachine here it is: github.com/arunvickram/begumpura 04:34
SmokeMachine aruniecrisps: I’m asking just by curiosity, I don’t remember how well it’s working, but have you tried this for sessions? github.com/FCO/Cro-HTTP-Session-Red 05:03
Oh! You are using that!
Even sub-model :) 05:04
So, what are you thinking of Red with Cro? Any critique or suggestion? Anything you think would be better to change? 05:11
Have you seen this? github.com/FCO/BlogSchema 05:17
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aruniecrisps @SmokeMachine it's hard to say, there are things like about Red and things i'm not the biggest fan of 15:03
i went and took a look at the codebase and it uses a lot of raku stuff im not familiar with and that i couldn't find that much documentation for like ClassHOW 15:04
SmokeMachine What I’ve learned about ClassHOW was reading the code and asking on IRC… 15:07
What do you like and what you are not the biggest fan of? 15:09
aruniecrisps @SmokeMachine i like the DSL, it's very straight forward for people that are already familiar with Raku 15:12
like i love the usage of grep in the DSL, it makes perfect sense 15:13
i also like how defing inflators and deflators is pretty straight forward
as for what i don't like, i remember having to use :require<Models::Post> as part of the definition of the User model, which i feel like I should be able to pull off with just a use Models::Post at the top of the file 15:19
i thought that was a bit confusing
SmokeMachine If you use the name of the model the same as the dir/file, you don’t need that… I mean, if the model was called Models::Post, or it was on lib/Post.pm, you would not need doing that 15:28
Red expects to require the name based on the model name… 15:30
Or you could probably “rename” it on your META6.json 15:32
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aruniecrisps it's provided as Models::Post in META6.json 16:11
but in the file i have it set up as model Post
i remember it not working unless i added the :requires<Models::Post> to the relationship trait in the model 16:16
SmokeMachine That’s what I ment, if on your META6 it was defined as just Post, you wouldn’t need the :requires 16:19
If the name of the model isn’t the same as the one used to require, you will need to :requires 16:20
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aruniecrisps @SmokeMachine im assuming the :require is loading from a CompUnit::Repository to load all that? 17:50
to load Models::Post i mean 17:51
SmokeMachine it just require()s it: github.com/FCO/Red/blob/master/lib...akumod#L64 17:55
lizmat fg 17:57
oops, ww :-)
SmokeMachine :)
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patrickb I've reworked the release process and script here: github.com/croservices/release/pull/4 23:01
I'd like a review of both, the process and script. 23:02
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