Welcome the channel on the development of Cro, a set of libraries for building reactive distributed systems, lovingly crafted to take advantage of all the Raku Programming Language has to offer (cro.services). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
Geth cro-http/policy: b3fff41cef | Altai-man++ | 4 files
Add response body cancellation support for HTTP/2
cro-http/policy: 78cae0df0d | Altai-man++ | lib/Cro/HTTP2/GeneralParser.pm6
Remove redundant done, there is no need to end a supply if an HTTP/2 stream was cancelled
cro-http/policy: f41faeea24 | Altai-man++ | lib/Cro/HTTP2/GeneralParser.pm6
Remove streams we cancelled
cro-http/policy: 7e70dde34f | Altai-man++ | 3 files
Send RstStream frame when the stream is canceled