Welcome the channel on the development of Cro, a set of libraries for building reactive distributed systems, lovingly crafted to take advantage of all the Raku Programming Language has to offer (cro.services). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
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librasteve very nice! appreciate this new feature ... when I asked for this, it seemed the only way to do nested components - but when you made the librasteve.raku example, I better understood that nested Cromponents would work fine without macro feature... please can you describe the status as you see it with the macros ... is this a better way to do nesting and we should stop using the librasteve way, or this this timtowdi 16:36
and both will be equal?
SmokeMachine No, I think using macro is good when you want to customise the component with template and not component… 18:27
librasteve ah - perfect - thanks for clarifying! 18:35
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SmokeMachine librasteve: did you have the chance to look at the <MyCromponent>-new? I just thought a better way of doing that and I think I’ll unify that with the original one… if, on template, you call Bla and pass a single instance of Bla it works as usual. Otherwise, it will instantiate a new object using .new() and the arguments you passed… 19:57
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librasteve I saw it (actually it echoes an early version of what I tried for functional - to somehow generate two tags) - sounds like your second variant is better - I trust you to do that ... right now I am happy to use the version from a couple of days ago (prior to my PRs) and I am mostly exploring how to bring in CSS atm 20:50
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