Welcome the channel on the development of Cro, a set of libraries for building reactive distributed systems, lovingly crafted to take advantage of all the Raku Programming Language has to offer (cro.services). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
Xliff Hello! 07:22
If I'm serving static pages using "static 'static-data/content', @path" and want to have a custom handler deal with directory contents.. what would such a route handler look like? 07:24
Xliff If I'm serving static pages using "static 'static-data/content', @path" and want to have a custom handler deal with directory contents.. what would such a route handler look like? 07:24
jnthn Xliff: Hmm, you mean directory content listings? Think probably you'd need to explicitly form the path and do a `.d` check and serve the listing, and otherwise call `static`. I don't think there's anything build in for this. 15:38
Xliff jnthn: So.. something like "get -> 'root', *@nodes { ... }" 16:33
jgaz On cro.services it looks like the links to the domains raku.courses and raku.consulting no longer work. Maybe the domains were not renewed? 16:40
jnthn Ah yes, keep meaning to remove those 16:41
jgaz I figured it was an oversight. 16:49
jnthn Xliff: Maybe something like `get -> 'root', *@nodes where 'static-data/content'.IO.&child-secure(@nodes.join('/').d { ... } 16:51