Welcome the channel on the development of Cro, a set of libraries for building reactive distributed systems, lovingly crafted to take advantage of all the Raku Programming Language has to offer (cro.services). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
ab5tract jnthn: I hope you've had an excellent summer so far. Though saddened by the news out of Edument, I totally understand. I'm working at following the instructions at github.com/Raku/intellij-ide-plugi...s/build.md 17:10
At first I didn't understand that the .cmd files are apparently some sort of wild cross-platform batch+bash shell script 17:11
After getting over that, I'm now struck by the fact that I can't seem to find a package matching `edument.perl6.comma.build` 17:12
Would this be something specific to the (now 404) repo `github.com/edumentab/intellij-community.git` ?
(I know this isn't cro-specific, but I wasn't sure where else to ping you that wasn't significantly larger in terms of audience) 17:14
ab5tract laughs at himself for only thinking of a direct message after the fact 17:15
jnthn ab5tract: I thought I'd done a transfer of that to the Raku org, but maybe somehow it was forgotten. Just initiated a repository transfer now 20:06
github.com/Raku/intellij-community is there now 20:07
ab5tract jnthn: thanks!!
jnthn You probably need the checkout of the perl6-idea-plugin repo inside of the checkout of that one 20:08
ab5tract I think there might have been some confusion about naming, maybe github.com/Raku/intellij-ide-fork was what was needed all along
jnthn Ah!
So I did do it after all :) 20:09
Just with a more sensible name :)
ab5tract I'll take another stab and ping you directly if I'm too dumb to progress :)
naming, the answer to and cause of all $programmer problems :)