librasteve patrickb: great job! 17:46
SmokeMachine: I guess I have failed to convince you that having a single Cro Component module that can accommodate both crotmp and functional styles will be sufficient benefit. Tbh this is a gut feeling and I have no evidence either way. Thanks for your patience - I will take your advice and go a parallel path. 17:52
Two parting shots: (i) is accessible is imo a poor name for this trait since it is easily confused with general accessibility features and (ii) I have come to like the idea of :id(0) when I have just one singleton component - ie if you expressly set id=0 then the instance becomes the only instance in town (and I am a bit queasy about EVALs in the route block so can just use url-path = '.../0/...' 17:55
xinming Hi, How do we ask cro to listen to all ipv4 and ipv6 interfaces in Cro::HTTP::Server ??? 19:55
It seems, listens to all ipv4 addresses, and :: listens to all ipv6 addresses, What is the right way to handle them both instead of starting 2 instances?