Welcome the channel on the development of Cro, a set of libraries for building reactive distributed systems, lovingly crafted to take advantage of all the Raku Programming Language has to offer (cro.services). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
SmokeMachine librasteve: (i) my intention was to a new module export a function that could be used on a trait, and not the trait itself… (ii) the reason for the eval is not related to ids or paths, but because of cro… I couldn’t find a way to make (for example) `get -> “component_name”, …` with dynamic component_name (so, I tried something like `get -> Str $name where { $_ eq $name }, …`) work for multiple routes… when there 07:46
was a single component using that it worked… but when more are added , it starts breaking… does anyone know a better way of doing that?
patrickb A quick note: doing a release is now pretty much automated. See github.com/croservices/release for how to do it. 11:42