[Coke] github.com/coke/perl6-roast-data/b...do.moar.sh - if anyone has any suggestions on better config options, etc., let me know. 00:00
timotimo i don't know what the default values for --gen-moar are 00:03
[Coke] tries this on his mactop instead of host06... 00:08
diakopter [Coke]: done
[Coke] weird. after a build, if I try to do "make", I get "No rule to make target `m-all'" 00:13
ah, because the config failed. 00:14
[Coke] here's the nqp backtrace: 04:21
[Coke] ff 13:54
FROGGS frong findow? 13:55
TimToady WROGGS: that's pretty warwetched... 16:29
diakopter wer wuck's sake.. 16:30
benabik And here I thought wws meant wrong window, sorry.
FROGGS .oO( cookief? wipf cookief? ) 16:31