21 Jul 2024
evalable6 23:20
timo evalable: my $t = IO::Socket::Async.listen("", 5000).tap: -> $conn { }; my $conn = await IO::Socket::Async.connect("", 5000); $conn.close; say $conn.Supply.list; $t.close;
evalable6 (exit code 1) ()
MoarVM panic: non-AsyncTask fetched from eventloop active work list
timo there, this reliably reproduces the bug
now we can pepper the code with fprintf and see if we can see something :D 23:21
22 Jul 2024
lizmat timo++ MasterDuke++ 08:54
timo who doesn't love a good trampoline? 09:54
lizmat FWIW, confirmed on MacOS as well 09:56
timo randomly thinking about exploitability of moarvm when someone gets some shellcode smuggled into it somehow 11:43
it'd be swell to have all jitted frames in a special area of memory so a tool could just by looking at the $rip tell if it's looking at a jitted frame or something else 11:44
but if the $rip for all jitted frames becomes too regular, an attacker could guess the location of the common jit prologue for example
wow spesh dump is kinda slooow 13:14
looks like we sometimes compile an nqp edge "charlist" for single characters. there's probably a more efficient way to have that 18:14
lizmat perhaps that could be handled at RakuAST opt time? 18:18
timo moar can handle it, i've got a prototype patch, but it could also be possible to do it before optimization time. if not, then at optimization time, yeah 18:26
MVM_string_index_of_grapheme goes from 0.62% to 0.5%, barely noticeable (core setting compilation) 18:33
since it started at 0.62% in the first place, barely much win to be had even if it were completely gone from the profile now
oh it gets better when you recompile Raku/Grammar.nqp because the optimization makes it into the serialized blob 18:38
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/07/22/2024-...e-toolbox/ 19:31
24 Jul 2024
MasterDuke anyone else read people.kernel.org/gustavoars/how-t...-and-linux ? wonder if we could use it in moarvm 01:23
Geth MoarVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #1823:
Silence a bunch of valgrind errors
timo do we have any reason for using #define MVM_BLABLA 1 and such instead of enums? 17:19
lizmat the same reason we have #?if moar in nqp / rakudo? 17:21
timo web.archive.org/web/20170120021505...akudo.html 17:29
if someone wants to dig into the source of these html files and fix them up to render again using maybe the current source of p6bench or code from Back Then :D 17:30
lizmat: in C we can also have #if and #ifdef inside of enums and such
25 Jul 2024
Geth MoarVM/2024.07: d5058c66dc | (Justin DeVuyst)++ | 2 files
Update changelog and version
MoarVM: jdv++ created pull request #1824:
Update changelog and version
MoarVM/main: d5058c66dc | (Justin DeVuyst)++ | 2 files
Update changelog and version
MoarVM/main: 83c8567a7b | (Justin DeVuyst)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
Merge pull request #1824 from MoarVM/2024.07

Update changelog and version
jdv done here 18:38
timo m: say 2053552.5 * 100 / 2052982 23:34
camelia 100.02778885
timo m: say 100 * 2053552.5 R/ 2052982 23:35
camelia 99.9722189
26 Jul 2024
MasterDuke are those numbers for nfa improvements? 00:47
there's definitely something going on with t/spec/S12-construction/destruction.t. running with --configure=0 may throw some red herrings in the mix, but it pretty regularly will fail with `Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 6 tests but ran 5.` 01:17
hm. but valgrind doesn't report anything when that happens 01:37
timo i got a small decrease in the maxresidentk from a change in the nfa memory stuff 11:24
from surveying the structure of the NFAs present in core setting compilation, i could see that the majority of states only have one or two outgoing edges 11:29
m: say 100 * 2050532 / 2053552.5 13:58
camelia 99.8529134