dalek href="https://moarvm.org:">moarvm.org: 3170729 | jnthn++ | / (2 files):
Update site for 2014.02 release.
jnthn There we go. :) 00:08
timotimo cool :) 00:09
[Coke] wonders how long he's not been in channel. 14:50
nwc10 [Coke]: at least 13 days 14:55
[Coke] I dislike IRC. :P
jnthn [Coke]: Don't worry, we didn't do much here :P 14:56
nwc10 and the logs will prove that
moritz "you know I've got the scars^Wlogs to prove it" 15:03
[Coke] PerlJam: I see no reason why moarvm isn't a valid Hague target. (see also Diakopter's grant request) 15:04
masak yes -- why wouldn't moarvm be a valid Hague target? 16:15
PerlJam I think I was wondering out loud to see if nwc10 would apply :) 16:51
nwc10 PerlJam: I (will) have a full time job. Money doesn't create more time 16:52
FROGGS yeah, sadly
PerlJam Yeah, bummer. 16:54
[Coke] The existing of diakopter's grant might interfere with other granting, also. (depending on what kind of work we're talkign about) 17:09
PerlJam speaking of diakopter's grant ... where does it show up on TPF's site? 17:13
[Coke] news.perlfoundation.org/2013/09/hag...ccept.html news.perlfoundation.org/2013/07/hag...ation.html 17:16
PerlJam Why doesn't it show up on www.perlfoundation.org/running_grants ? 17:24
[Coke] same reason the macro grant doesn't? 17:25
(will ping Karne0
er, Karen)
PerlJam I never seem to know how to interact with perlfoundation.org to find out useful stuff. I don't know if that's just my personal problem or if there's something that perlfoundation.org could do better. 17:27
[Coke] Step one: if you can't find something, ping someone with TPF and ask them about it, so they can try to fix it. 17:28
nwc10 that page seems only to have grants comittee related grants 17:29
a technicality that shouldn't matter to people outside of TPF
so it doesn't have active P5CMF grants either