nwc10 jnthn++ # works on "my" machine again 09:59
jnthn nwc10: yay 10:03
brrt hi #moarvm 20:59
i came to lobby for pull request github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/pull/85 21:00
which i've updated :-) 21:01
jnthn brrt: Thanks, had tasks today and evening meeting, but have some free time in just a moment :) 21:07
brrt no worries :-) 21:09
jnthn brrt: yeahl that looks bett4r 21:19
brrt: yeah, that looks better
dalek arVM: 57384a3 | (Bart Wiegmans)++ | src/gc/ (3 files):
Compact the gen2 overflows list.

Fixes issue #62.
brrt \o/ 21:33
timotimo if something in the overflows list has been killed, it's supposed to turn into a null pointer, right? 21:57
jnthn Should do. 22:03
Mostly it's STables that end up there, which tend to be quite long-lived...though of course lots of throw-away mixins will produce such things. Well, may do if you've enough of a midlife crisis issue with 'em. :) 22:04
brrt timotimo - i should note that in this version the live object beyond the size of the compacted list aren't really 'null'-ed 22:05
which is ok because a): no algorithm should look beyond num_overflows and b): they are pointes to live objects 22:06
jnthn uh, dead ones, no? :) 22:07
brrt thinking 22:12
no, they're live pointers :-)
the algorithm copies pointers 'backwards' - the compaction is through a): skipping null pointers and b): setting the barrier to the live object cursor 22:13
so there are - in principle - live pointers in the space after the compacted area 22:14
but again, this doesn't matter because any algorithm that looks beyond the live cursor is already in error
and yes, i've been thinking too much about compacting :-) 22:15
timotimo is compaction done every time an overflow object dies?
brrt no, only after collection 22:19
jnthn brrt: oh, I see what you mean :) 22:21
brrt: Sorry. $dayjob meeting had imperial stout... :)
timotimo er, of course only after collection 22:23
i'm asking because my moar-gdb.py plugin is just going from the 0th overflow to the num_overflows'th object in the overflows list and analyzes them 22:24
jnthn timotimo: Then you're fine, I think 22:29
timotimo: You'll just not see NULLs in ther enow
timotimo good
brrt :-) time for sleep 22:54
jnthn 'night, brrt++
brrt night jnthn