01:17 FROGGS_ joined 07:53 woolfy left 07:54 woolfy joined 11:54 FROGGS joined 13:16 brrt joined
brrt hi #moarvm 13:17
timotimo hey brrt 13:18
i see you've started introducing yourself :)
brrt i have
i think my original plan will have to be edited somewhat 13:22
since the first month or so has been made redundant by spesh 13:23
timotimo heh. 13:24
well, spesh can use a few more touch-ups anyway
as soon as jnthn has a design for introducing extra registers and stuff, we'll be able to build more optimizations 13:25
brrt ...
timotimo otherwise, feel free to use the time to practice with dynasm instead
brrt i should talk to jnthn about taht
timotimo or to build a lua compiler + runtime to make the lua compile-time dependency irrelevant :P
13:30 zakharyas joined
FROGGS brrt: it would not hurt if you still follow the goals and perhaps finish early and do extra stuff then :o) 13:35
brrt i think the goals are the same :-) 13:36
(brb) 13:37
14:00 brrt joined
brrt but, wait, introducing new registers 14:01
at first sight, that seems at odds with jit compilation 14:03
timotimo well, it would happen before the jit would kick in 14:06
during spesh, that is
and it would have to create a proper CFG plus dominance and SSA anyway 14:07
so the input to the jit stage wouldn't be distinguishable from regular data
of course we'd have to be careful around deopt spots 14:08
but IMO it's a necessary step towards better optimizations
for example, an isstr, isnum, isint, ishash, islist could be turned into a spesh-time-repr-ID-check plus a run-time-null-check 14:09
but that would require more instructions, because we have a "isnull" op, but we need the negated output from that, so we need to put in an extra negation
or we'd have to know the result is only used once, in an if, and turn that into an unless or so. 14:10
brrt hmm i see 14:12
do i understand correctly if this is not so much about introducing new registers to the vm as using more registers in the bytecode? 14:13
timotimo ah, exactly
i wasn't being clear :)
should have said "allocate more registers"
brrt phew :-) 14:15
no, thats no problem to me
timotimo i suppose the problem really is that the first step is going over everything and building the SSA, CFG and dominance 14:16
brrt but spesh does that, right?
timotimo and if you're in the middle of spesh, you would have to know about global things if you want to twiddle something in the middle
brrt uhuh
timotimo spesh does it at the very start, aye
brrt ok, my mental model of spesh -> jit is such: spesh takes a MVMStaticFrame, computes a CFG etc 14:17
you then have a tree that is supposedly in SSA form, on which you run all sorts of tree-manipulation algorithms 14:18
timotimo currently we mostly do intra-block-changes and then drop any blocks that become entirely irrelevant from the tree
brrt i can imagine some of these algorithms turning the tree from ssa form to non-ssa form
timotimo except if you're refering to the SSA as "the tree"
brrt no, i'm refering to MVMSpechGraph as the tree ;-) 14:19
timotimo OK
not very much happening there so far
brrt anyway, i imagine the MVMSpeshGraph to be input to the JIT compiler 14:20
timotimo that's my understanding as well
off the spesh graph hang all the BB's which contain both the instructions and the layout of the tree 14:21
each BB has a "linear_next" that defines how the BBs will be output to byte code or machine code (as they have to be linearized *some* way)
and the predecessors and successors list where control can come from and go to and inside the BB, there are different kinds of goto ops that cause branches 14:22
brrt hmmkay 14:23
moarvm 'registers' are really just offsets from the stack, right? 14:27
timotimo not sure about that, but it sounds likely
they are not directly corresponding to machine registers, that much is for sure
especially since we can have thousands of them active :) 14:28
brrt i should look it up 14:30
for most people it's an implementation detail, but not for me :-)
i need to know how to treat them when compiling
timotimo :) 14:31
jnthn .tell brrt the registers/locals are just a blob of memory hanging off ->work in the current frame. That memory also contians an args buffer. 15:15
timotimo ohai jnthn
jnthn o/ 15:16
timotimo should brrt help you think about a design for the "allocate new registers in the spesh stage" thing?
jnthn Well, design suggestions are always fine.
Just need to be a fairly general mechanism.
timotimo well, if we're guaranteeing that a newly allocated register is "released" at the end of the changed segment, it should be all right to just ... you know ... "do it"? 15:17
of course we'll have to make sure the usage counts are there, else the end stage of spesh will just kick them out again :) 15:18
jnthn Well, whatever design we come up with needs to work out nicely with inlining. 15:19
timotimo i haven't thought about inlining at all yet, hmm 15:20
not exactly sure what it'll end up looking like
jnthn I've some ideas, but probably the easiest way for me to work the design out is to implemnet it. :)
timotimo well, i'm looking forward to that :)
i'd like to have a look at the code we generate for loops like for @foo Z @bar -> $a, $b { } 15:22
i may build a few benchmarks to pit that against iterating over an index and grabbing the appropriate item out and seeing how they compare
this is an idiom i'd really like to be cheap 15:23
jnthn Well, I suspect it's just infix:<Z>(@foo, @bar).map(-> $a, $b { ... }).eager :) 15:25
probably bbl & 15:27
timotimo and does the map do clever things? 15:33
FROGGS jnthn: I have a question: should int be int32 on x86 platforms in perl6? 16:02
jnthn: nvm :o) 16:25
in nativecall.c 16:41
else if (strcmp(cname, "stdcall") == 0)
result = DC_CALL_C_X86_WIN32_STD;
else if (strcmp(cname, "stdcall") == 0)
result = DC_CALL_C_X64_WIN64;
that does not make much sense, does it?
timotimo yeah, that doesn't seem right 16:48
FROGGS I think the second should be more like x64Win 16:55
timotimo well that second branch is certainly dead at the moment
FROGGS sure it is 16:56
timotimo so i suppose giving "x64win" a try for the cname wouldn't make it much worse, would it?
FROGGS ohh, in nqp/vm/parrot it is called "win64" 16:58
hmmm, one can set the calling convention using the role NativeCallingConvention 17:00
dunno if someone really does so
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jnthn FROGGS: No, int probably wants to keep its Perl 6 meaning. I'd pondered introducing cint types that we export aliased to int32 or whatever. 20:58
timotimo that would be at least trivial to put into the setting, no?
jnthn No, in NativeCall
timotimo er, yes 21:02
21:08 btyler joined 23:11 jnap joined 23:36 lue joined
timotimo pretend i'd have put the stuff about uthash here instead of in #perl6 23:36