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TimToady things are quiet around here when jnthn++ is touring Hong Kong... 01:58
diakopter __ 02:05
jnthn Darn is this place British... o.O 02:10
jnthn is bemused to be in this part of the world and see black tea be the default :) 02:11
TimToady maybe Scotland should take over for a while 02:12
jnthn At least my breakfast woulda had some black pudding then. :) 02:14
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dalek arVM/cglobal: 54ffd32 | (Tobias Leich)++ | lib/MAST/Ops.nqp:
commit missing file
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brrt \o 12:35
brrt hmm.. anybody renember what i was doing before $study? 12:38
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nine brrt: live? 12:45
brrt that's one thing
dalek arVM: c1c22e9 | (Tobias Leich)++ | / (2 files):
conditionally use/install our libtommath headers
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diakopter jnthn: trying r-m with vs14 16:14
... 16:17
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diakopter src\strings\unicode.c(42106): fatal error C1026: parser stack overflow, program too complex 16:17
*headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* 16:18
mberends parsing is hard, let's go ... webbrowsing? 16:19
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FROGGS diakopter: we ship an msi, we're fine :o) 17:00
diakopter not with vs14 you won't 17:01
FROGGS no, but for windows
diakopter eh?
FROGGS that's all the user evar will need
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brrt not building on windows is still broken imho 18:30
FROGGS bah, you all just spoil the fun :P 18:31
brrt it might be argued that it's broken because msvc. that i can accept 18:33
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