japhb Are there any segfault/crash bugs that made it to an actual nqp-m or r-m release (as opposed to only existing within a development cycle)? I can use tests for them to validate my stress testing code .... 01:18
timotimo i hope not! :P 01:34
but you can get segfaults manually
like, for exapmle, you can box_I the value 0 into OpaquePointer and do stuff with it :) 01:35
FROGGS timotimo: see www.cpantesters.org/distro/S/SDL for the dynamic page 09:16
tadzik: when you have time, can we muse about the connection of cpandatesters to github issues/RT? 09:17
timotimo now that i actually look at this stuff, things get a tiny bit more complicated 12:25
because the argument to nativecallinvoke is - at least in zavolaj - self, which is the role that boxes the nativecall object 12:26
so i have a little piece of indirection between spesh and the native call body that i should be inspecting
Ven o/ 16:29
timotimo \ô/ 16:31
tadzik FROGGS: cpandatesters :D 16:33
FROGGS: sure
FROGGS_ tadzik: :P 18:00
tadzik: it would be awesome if we could link cpanda test reports to github issues.... like you can reference a commit 18:01
tadzik: though, I don't know how possible that is
tadzik: at least we should allow issue tracker links to bug reports, so one can see if a problem is already handled or not 18:02
for my P5 modules I often look again and again over test reports, because I cannot see that I already made a ticket for it
tadzik heh, for that to be useful I need to write myself that tool to browse though github bugs in a sensemaking manner 18:28
as in "show me open bugs in the repos created by me?
it's all I care about, and there's either no way at all or a very tricky way to achieve that
FROGGS_ I would like to link to issues manually 18:32
so I'd like to have some fields attached to a test report that I can edit
timotimo i wonder if doing a full collection after having done a whole bunch of collections that have promoted almost nothing would make future collections faster because it potentially knocks out things in the gen2? 20:15
t.h8.lv/p6profile/formula_profile_latest.html / t.h8.lv/p6profile/formula_profile_latest.pl 20:21
dalek arVM: 0809f66 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/jit/graph.c:
can jit multicacheadd and multicachefind now.
arVM: 824b284 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/jit/graph.c:
tiny typo,
arVM: 15d3b75 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/jit/graph.c:
third time's the charm!
travis-ci MoarVM build failed. Timo Paulssen 'tiny typo,' 20:49
travis-ci.org/MoarVM/MoarVM/builds/39036545 github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/compare/0...4b28497cea
timotimo brrt: i implemented multicachefind and multicacheadd and now invokewithcapture is the blocker for a few interesting frames 21:09
timotimo brrt, this may be of interest: t.h8.lv/p6profile/jit_bails_per_frame_name.txt 21:49