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dalek arVM: dfdef4c | TimToady++ | src/6model/reprs/NFA.c:
replace quicksort with insertion sort

N is generally small, so a simple insertion sort is more appropriate, especially when moved to the point we already have the fates in the cache.
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jnthn wtf was I thinking in frame.c:555... 12:12
That's rooting osmething that's not even a GC-able thing, it's a register frame array... 12:13
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JimmyZ_ Oh, How did it work :) 12:19
jnthn By getting hit rarely, I guess... 12:20
lizmat reason for OS X flakiness ? 12:22
JimmyZ_ so only OS X hit it ? ;)
jnthn lizmat: Well, I took a spectest that was sometimes failing, did a bunch of GC setting tweaks, and got same test to explode due to this reason under the debugger.
lizmat: I can confirm that particular issue I found on OSX goes away. I now need a fresh normal build and to do a clean build/spectest. 12:23
lizmat is looking forward to the results 12:24
jnthn If clang ever finishes compiling interp.c, we'll find out... :P 12:25
lizmat brb& 12:26
jnthn Well, further improvement. 12:35
All passed except an explosion in t/spec/S04-statements/terminator.t 12:36
JimmyZ_ That's very nice 12:38
lizmat jnthn++ 12:40
jnthn That failure is, unfortunately, still indicative of a bug somewhere. 12:42
But this is by far the cleanest I've seen OSX since I started looking into the issues. 12:43
lizmat yeah, reason enough for a bump ? 12:50
jnthn lizmat: yes, let's 12:54
It'll give us some more feedback
lizmat ok, will do
timotimo is pleased 12:55
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brrt \o 15:04
JimmyZ o/ 15:06
timotimo |o 15:13
brrt oh good news... jnthn++ 15:16
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lizmat well... the feedback from me so far, is that I still see random testfiles fail during spectest 16:36
TimToady maybe it shoulda been named osx canary 16:42
jnthn lizmat: :/ 16:45
Guess we'll have to see what improvement the [Coke]++ daily runs show up 16:49
stouting & 16:54
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hoelzro FROGGS_: have you had a chance to look at that precomp bug? 20:15
FROGGS_ hoelzro: no, $dayjob keeps me busy :o( 20:16
(also right now)
hoelzro ah ha =/
I looked at it a bit, and I *thought* I was on to something, but jnthn assured me that's not the issue 20:17
FROGGS_ ahh, k 20:18
hoelzro I think my problem is that my knowledge of how precomp works is very limited
FROGGS_ I should ask what you were after then before I start getting into it
I know some details but my problem is that my brane is not smart enough to keep all details in memory at the same time :o) 20:19
hoelzro well, I thought it was because GLOBALish isn't passed in here: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/...d.nqp#L361 20:20
but jnthn said that GLOBALish is serialized with all of the correct linkage, so that's not it
that's as far as I got
dalek arVM: c6354db | TimToady++ | src/6model/reprs/NFA.c:
more cleanups; carp on wrong # of fates from nqp
timotimo jnthn: do you think recording where the code currently was when a GC got triggered would be interesting? 21:54
jnthn: when forcing the GC to run, the profiler output for GC runs is wrong, it shows a green bar all the way to the right, even if the three parts don't add to the same amount 21:57
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timotimo i'm not sure if i should make the progress bar shorter or add a "wasted" section 22:09
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[Coke] finally kicks off today's runs. 22:38
lizmat [Coke]++ 22:44
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timotimo 00062 const_s loc_1_str, 23:48
how come we're still putting serialized blobs in base64?