08:36 FROGGS[mobile] joined 09:33 FROGGS[mobile] joined 09:46 lue joined 11:01 carlin joined 12:48 brrt joined, zakharyas joined 13:03 dalek joined 13:09 Util joined 13:58 dalek joined 16:11 zakharyas joined 17:02 brrt joined 17:12 rurban_ joined 18:33 njmurphy joined 18:58 FROGGS joined
timotimo jnthn: how do you feel about recording the size of the inter-generational link list after each gc run in the profiler? 19:59
jnthn timotimo: I was thinking of implementing that.
timotimo in that case, let me steal that from you, so that you can do something harder :)
jnthn timotimo: :P 20:00
I think that CORE.setting compilation suffers because it gets really long there
Having something recording it would be helpful in seeing if that's the case
timotimo how do i handle a maybe or maybe not existing key in js? 20:19
as in gc.gen2_roots // 0
hoelzro timotimo: roots = 'gen2_roots' in gc ? gc.gen2_roots : 0; 20:20
(that's the best I can do)
timotimo what'll gc.gen2_roots evaluate to if it doesn't exist? 20:21
and what'll gc['gen2_roots'] evaluate to if it doesn't exist?
hoelzro null 20:22
gc.gen2roots is equivalent to gc['gen2_roots']
timotimo in that case, wouldn't +gc.gen2_roots work?
leedo_ in Chrome it seems to evaluate to undefined 20:24
timotimo that'd be good enough
leedo_ +undefined evaluates to NaN 20:25
timotimo :\
that's not surprising i suppose
timotimo jnthn: i just run the new profiler output over rc-dragon-curve and it seems to be hovering just below 20k gen2_roots
anything in particular you'd like me to try?
jnthn That doesn't sound excruciatingly bad...
timotimo almost the exact same number for -e 'my @a; for (1 .. 1024_000) { push @a, 1 }; say +@a;' 20:27
i'll go ahead and push the code, as it seems to work 20:28
rc-9-billion-names hovers just above 21k
or just below 22k actually
dalek arVM: 23f2089 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/profiler/ (3 files):
record size of gen2_roots list after each gc
20:33 dalek joined
timotimo now if only there was a way to get an evaluatable profile from the core setting compilation ... 21:01
FROGGS what if we could enable just a few things that get recorded? 21:06
timotimo that'd be possible. perhaps through an environment variable? 21:10
FROGGS probable, yeah 21:11
timotimo the big thing is the call graph, but not having the call graph removes a crapton of data