FROGGS[mobile] cygx: with my patches (yet unpushed) it will just work 05:58
it uses nmake+cl when you are in a vcvars shell, and will use gmake+gcc otherwise 05:59
I just need confirmation from jnthn about that env var, and the I'll push to master 06:08
dalek arVM/mingw32: d2a4f52 | FROGGS++ | / (2 files):
allow to build using gmake/gcc on windows
JimmyZ hmmm? libuv supports mingw32 now? 07:12
FROGGS[mobile] I guess... I made realclean so I think it rebuild libuv 07:29
FROGGS JimmyZ: I just removed my libuv folder, and it rebuild just fine 08:01
JimmyZ oh, glad to hear it 08:13
dalek arVM/mingw32: 7c1b643 | FROGGS++ | / (2 files):
check for cl/nmake/gcc/gmake directly
arVM/mingw32: 54d8112 | FROGGS++ | build/
make quecking for cl.exe not blocking endlessly
FROGGS quecking -.- 15:36
.oO( is that the sound of a sick duck? )
FROGGS queauxcking would be the sound of a French duck :o) 15:54
lizmat queauxcks away for another day 15:56
FROGGS lizmat o/
dalek arVM: d2a4f52 | FROGGS++ | / (2 files):
allow to build using gmake/gcc on windows
arVM: 7c1b643 | FROGGS++ | / (2 files):
check for cl/nmake/gcc/gmake directly
arVM: 54d8112 | FROGGS++ | build/
make quecking for cl.exe not blocking endlessly
skids src/jit/emit_x64.dasc lines 1614 and 1617 are possible typos on a cursory read. Should likely be ARG7F and ARG8F. 18:08
FROGGS skids: yeah, I'd guess so too 18:10
dalek arVM: 458940f | hoelzro++ | src/spesh/optimize.c:
Revert usage of try_reuse in method lookup

This fixes RT #125403
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