brrt \o 08:33
JimmyZ o/ 08:34
masak \o 08:36
timotimo o/ 11:18
brrt is many tired still :-( 12:10
has jnthn yet arrived?
nwc10 many tired, such yawn, zzzz
I doubt it. I know that he was awake earlier.
lizmat the jnthn is still en route
nwc10 either that, or he's managed to make an IRC client that passes a turing test. 12:11
I don't know where he's going *to* today (and I don't need to know that, nor does it need to be logged) but I know that he was setting off from *somewhere* 2 hours ago. So I'd guess that he's AFK 12:12
jnthn brrt: Arrive tomorrow to Praha...then will enjoy relaxing there for the week. 12:48
And have lots of tuits :)
brrt many relaxation :-) 13:18
.oO( after many relocation )
brrt yes, that is true 13:43
jnthn How goes things with the JIT hackery? 13:44
Or is it more plannery at the moment for the tile thingy? 13:45
brrt i've actually started reading in the book 'engineering a compiler' 13:46
which is an excellent book, by the way
.. that's another way to say, i'm not 100% sure yet what i'm doing, i guess 13:47
i think i have too many ideas to cut through 13:54
reading too much to make clear decisions is a known flaw of mine 14:09
jnthn Yeah, it can be hard to strike a balance betwene informed decision-making and getting something done. :) 14:11
Doing can often be very revealing, of course.
brrt :-) yes, i'm going to try and get something started tomorrow 14:17
after i've had a good nights sleep over it
see you! 14:19
JimmyZ_ hmm, a nice book 14:23
FROGGS o/ 19:37
dalek arVM: c036f00 | FROGGS++ | src/core/ (2 files):
replace dyncall function with generic one
dalek MoarVM: 81835a8 | FROGGS++ | / (11 files): 20:53
MoarVM: improve openpipe to allow to read from out/err and write to in
MoarVM: In the past were were only able to open a pipe to a process and read its
MoarVM: stdout. There was no way to write to its stdin or read in its stderr without