FROGGS o/ 08:56
brrt \o 12:25
register allocation is hard 12:27
what if i'm too dumb for all this?
then i'll still have to find a solution :-) 12:30
maybe it's better to say
what if my earlier ideas were wrong
one of these ideas: 'you can do everything you want using generic tree traversal 12:37
i'm fairly sure i can use the SSA calculations from spesh in some wy 12:55
just don't know how yet
hmm..i'll be back later 13:35
cognominal what is a PHI ops? 16:00
got it : 16:01
.oO( what, not "forme d'assignment static single"? :) )
dalek arVM/even-moar-jit: e1a0e20 | brrt++ | src/jit/expr (2 files):
Implement sp_p6ogetvt_o as expression template

This required the addition of a few new jit ops, notably do (for a sequence of statements yielding the last), all
  (logical and of a series) and any (logical or). and and or
become their corresponding binary operations.
I note that I have not found some way to deal with operand types
  (i.e. size) yet, although the sizes are explicit in loads and
jnthn is gonna have to learn this sexpr language :) 16:32
cognominal jnthn, I am not sure that has even been translated. That could be : forme statique d'affectation unique 16:59
* ever 17:00