00:09 colomon joined 05:08 TEttinger joined 08:47 rurban joined 10:23 brrt joined
brrt \o 10:24
nwc10 o/
brrt ehm 10:25
table generation looks like it'll take O(m*n^2) iterations 10:26
n will at least be 100, 200
so that... sucks, i think
but it's probably worth it to do it at preprocessing time rather than at runtime 10:27
maybe any of you know of a cheap way to represent a sparse 3-dimensional array
or a cheap way to test filter impossible combinations 10:28
(e.g. (add reg (const)) can be combined with (add reg reg) but not with (add reg (load mem))
jnthn brrt: Tree? 10:29
brrt: Bloom filter?
brrt i'm unfamiliar with a bloom filter
jnthn (for the "represent" and "filter" respectively)
Oh, they're cool! 10:30
brrt i thought about a tree, yes
jnthn en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom_filter
brrt but i figure the key has to be at least three words long, and repeated
or the value should be the marker for another tree
let's read about it :-) (the bloom filter)
ok, i agree, that's pretty cool 10:33
not sure if necessarily what i want, but cool :-) 10:34
i think the problem to: i can combine rule a and rule b, if for all children c identified by i, a[i] can reduce to b[i] or b[i] can reduce to a[i] 10:35
e.g. (const) can reduce to reg, as can (load mem), but (const) cannot be reduced to (load mem) or the other way arround 10:36
brrt bbl 10:37
thanks for that link, though :-) 10:38
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nebuchadnezzar hello 12:46
lizmat nebuchadnezzar o/
nebuchadnezzar I'm preparing the 2015.07 Debian package which permit to enable mipsel arch using libffi (and possibly others too) 12:47
lizmat ++nebuchadnezzar
nebuchadnezzar Is there any reason not to use libffi for all arch or should I limit the libffi case to thoses dyncall does not support? 12:48
lizmat nebuchadnezzar: jnthn FROGGS moritz brrt might know 12:50
jnthn I'd do the latter for now.
As dyncall is what most folks are working against, and so that codepath is much better tested
nebuchadnezzar ok, I'll do that 12:59
moritz lizmat: fwiw I don't know all that much about MoarVM; I just hang out here :-) 13:01
lizmat moritz: but you have some dyncall / libffi knowledge ? 13:16
moritz lizmat: negative 13:22
lizmat moritz++ # nonetheless :-) 13:23
moritz :-) 13:24
jnthn is glad moritz++ hangs out here :) 13:26
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timotimo is looking at the "suddenly decont" issue again a little bit 17:13
oh, look, there's a substr + eq in the compile_mastop method that can become an eqat instead 17:16
anyway. i put a debug print into the "if @deconts[$arg_num]" part of that method and it doesn't seem to trigger for the rpoblematic case i'm looking at 17:17
oh, aha, getting somewhere now 17:21
masak timotimo++ 17:49
timotimo i'm not 100% sure how exactly code should look that references a local "into" a localref 18:08
18:08 brrt joined
timotimo currently using a bind onto a localref will complain 18:08
but maybe that's exactly what we want? 18:09
brrt aw, yeah 18:38
brrt has tiling working
the only trick is efficient translation to a C header file 18:39
timotimo ooooh
tiling works?
oh, you probably mean just the preprocessor? 18:40
brrt well, the preprocessor, but the tiling algorithm, too :-)
just implemented in perl rather than c
timotimo ah 18:42
neato :)
we're getting close to actual assembly code getting spit out?
it's food time locally 18:44
brrt hmmm... yeah, conceptually a lot closer, at least
timotimo buy maybe after that i'll look a bit more into the graph.c parsing thing
brrt don't worry about it too much 18:45
\o/ 19:00
dalek arVM/even-moar-jit: 8be7d2a | brrt++ | / (3 files):
Generate tiler tables in perl

Add a testcase to check the suitability for tiling actual trees. The next step is the to represent this in some static data structure suitable for search in the VM.
brrt this was *such* a brain killer
i'm wondering how it'll perform for a bigger grammar 19:02
not perfectly, but i suspect that's due to grammar inconsistency 19:09
dalek arVM/even-moar-jit: 8761634 | brrt++ | tools/tiler-table-generator.pl:
Ambiguous test case

How do we deal with ambiguity? Well enough, it seems.
brrt ooh... it is dramatically slow though 19:20
hmmm 19:22
we'll see what we do about that
19:23 zakharyas joined
brrt worst case we can commit the stored preprocessed tiles 19:24
and distribute them that way
brrt afk for now 19:27
or, wait afk in a few minutes
19:32 brrt left 20:27 rurban joined
jnthn brrt++ # JIT progress 21:34
timotimo: iirc binding to localref is needed; I think we find to lexicalref to handle "is rw" native parameters
uh, s/find/bind/ 21:38
Apparently I made good use of The Bishop's Arms near my hotel :)
timotimo ok 4 - a localref'd var can have a local ref'd thing bound to it and accessed (str) 23:12
so the code had been right all along, but the test was b0rked?
i feel dumb :) 23:13
especially dumb for bothering jnthn about it so often 23:15
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