02:25 FROGGS_ joined 02:47 ilbot3 joined
konobi howdy all 02:54
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dalek arVM: 3a80bd3 | (Jimmy Zhuo)++ | src/6model/containers.c:
small clean up
05:51 halivingston joined 05:52 flaviusb joined
halivingston hello, I came here from reddit, cause a kind person told me people here like to talk about cool stuff like calling conventions are code-generating thunks :) 05:52
I'll introduce myself: For a little hobby interpretive language I've run into a case where depending on the time of the day, the function I'm calling changes its receiving arguments size ... 05:53
and so I've been looking at how I can make calls to this function with this dynamic behavior, and I think I've found a solution. It is to use libffi to construct the information at function call time and let it do the job. 05:55
Seems like a flexible library and I was wondering how folks in MoarVM are approaching calling native functions.
That's all, maybe I'll spur an interesting discussion
JimmyZ halivingston: people are sleeping now :) 06:12
halivingston: we are using libffi and dyncall 06:14
timotimo halivingston: in perl6 you can bind the same "native symbol" to multiple subs with different argument lists, then expose a sub that chooses the right one depending on time of day to the end user 11:52
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