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FROGGS is somebody here that can help me with a piece of code where select() is not working? 16:25
nvm, got it 16:36
the first param of select() is kind of confusing 16:37
it is *not* the number of file descriptors, it is the integer value of the biggest fd plus one 16:38
moritz wtf. 16:55
leont Yes. select() is like one of the worst interfaces ever. 17:04
It makes sense when you understand how it's implemented, but what were they thinking? 17:05
FROGGS they were thinking: "let's keep it simple... for us" 18:54
timotimo probably more like they're worrying about performance? 19:06
virtualsue more like, the world was quite different when that call was invented and it was erm, set in stone quite early 19:13
this is quite unlike the prevailing perl6 philosophy :-)
moritz but yes, worrying (that much) about performance is also part of the world being quite different back then 19:28
today we also realize that when an API is shitty, people write wrappers which again have a performance penalty 19:33
virtualsue we were allowed to worry a little more about performance in those days, as we weren't quite as spoiled as we are now, though wonderfully written treatises about premature optimisation were just as relevant then 19:45
just this morning i saw someone writing up a sincere concern that map was 150x slower than a for loop, which leads me to believe that this issue will never quite go away :-) 19:48
timotimo wow, 150x is kind of harsh
virtualsue or better stated, just plain wrong
timotimo i mean, it's probably not noticable unless you hit really huge lists? 19:50
virtualsue it was just wrong
timotimo oh?
how so?
i mean, which of the many mistake that you can make was made in this case? 19:51
virtualsue his code was not correct and the benchmarking method was not sound.
timotimo ah, hehe.
yeah, that's quite difficult to get right unless you spedn a bunch of time learning about that kind of stuff
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dalek arVM: fa46660 | (Anthony Parsons)++ | build/Makefile.in:
Don't install sha1 and tinymt headers

These are statically compiled into the moar binary, and aren't needed by nqp or rakudo.
arVM: ba7bdeb | (Anthony Parsons)++ | / (2 files):
Only install msinttypes on ms platform

Please don't merge this patch without a second opinion; I've triple-proofread it but don't have any means of actually testing it.
MoarVM: b0c2c4b | FROGGS++ | / (2 files):
MoarVM: Merge pull request #326 from flussence/tidy-install
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