timotimo it looks like we're discarding facts when inlining stuff 01:53
that way my innermost loop creates an Int object because binding to the CArray returns the bound value
and that seems to cause one GC run per frame, on average 01:54
and it seems like every third frame there isn't a GC run, which makes that frame a whole bunch faster
hm. the flags from the facts are gone, but the usages aren't 01:55
but right now i'm feeling too tired to dig into this more 01:57
uh... huh? 02:05
REPR(repr_data->elem_type)->box_funcs.set_int(...) for binding an int value into a CArray ...
this must be about different sizes, right?
could this indirection be really expensive, i wonder? 02:06
i'll probably find out more about that if i use a Buf[int32] instead of the CArray[int32] and seeing how that changes things 02:10
Type check failed in assignment to ; expected int32 but got Int (4294967295) 02:12
oh, duh 02:13
OK, so with a my int32 @pixdata instead of the CArray it doesn't get much faster 02:14
hardly at all, actually
i'm out of smart ideas. apart from the "properly eliminate the returned value and remove a boxing in the process" i don't know how to make this noticably faster ;_; 02:18
but i'm rather glad that both postcircumfix:<[ ]> and ASSIGN-POS are properly inlined here
timotimo m: say 320 * 240 02:52
camelia rakudo-moar 8fdaad: OUTPUT«76800␤»
timotimo 76k 32bit values per frame, hmm. 02:53
m: say (320 * 240 * 4) / 1024
camelia rakudo-moar 8fdaad: OUTPUT«300␤»
timotimo 300 kB of data, eh?
i don't have a good frame of reference to know if ~15 frames per second setting 300 kilobytes of memory to one of two values is ridiculously slow or just quite slow 02:54
m: say 15 * (320 * 240 * 4) / 1024 02:55
camelia rakudo-moar 8fdaad: OUTPUT«4500␤»
timotimo 4 megabytes per second? is that right-ish?
FROGGS timotimo: remember me saying that I've got a mutator method on a CStruct and that it doesnt mutate it? 13:54
well, the problem seems to be about multi methods where one method is native, and the other isnt
and the multi methods are a workaround for this: 13:58
m: sub foo(num32()) { * }; foo 42
camelia rakudo-moar 7010f3: OUTPUT«Method 'num32' not found for invocant of class 'Int'␤ in sub foo at /tmp/G106f0f0Bg line 1␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/G106f0f0Bg line 1␤␤»
FROGGS m: use NativeCall; sub foo(num32()) is native { * }; foo 42
camelia rakudo-moar 7010f3: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ In 'foo' routine declaration - Not an accepted NativeCall type for parameter [1] : Any␤ --> For Numerical type, use the appropriate int32/int64/num64...␤ at /tmp/j0VnKY0qTb:1␤ ------> veCall; sub foo(num32()…»
FROGGS jnthn: do you agree that both lines are valid? 14:18
(the code, not the output)
FROGGS and if I have this: 16:54
multi method mutate1() { self.mutate1(self) }
multi method mutate1(StructIntStruct) is symbol('MutateStructIntStruct') is native('./06-struct') { * }
I get:
Cannot invoke object with invocation handler in this context
jnthn I'm not especially inclined to support coercion types in NativeCall 17:15
I suspect it'll complicate the efforts to more efficiently compile them 17:17
arnsholt I'm not sure a method with is native would work even if it weren't multi? 17:18
FROGGS arnsholt: ohh, it does 17:44
arnsholt: the invocant is just a fancy first argument 17:45
arnsholt Oh, neat!
FROGGS jnthn: so any clue why my last example explodes like that?
hmm, maybe I can call a sub as a workaround 17:46
timotimo i often put "my sub" inside classes when building NativeCall stuff 17:48
FROGGS I can't :o(
because methods are getting mangled differently than subs 17:49
timotimo damn. we might need a trait for that
FROGGS no, I just create a private method with another name (to not have a multi) 17:50
or can it have the same name? I guess so
that works!! \o/ 17:51
method !SetAsBox(num32 $hx, num32 $hy) is symbol<b2PolygonShape::SetAsBox> is native<Box2D> { * }
method SetAsBox($hx, $hy) { self!SetAsBox: $hx.Num, $hy.Num }
I dont even need the 'is symbol' trait here
nice 17:52
timotimo oh, that's surprising
FROGGS jnthn: then we need to error out nicely 20:24
jnthn FROGGS: I'd rather try and fix that particular one :) 20:38
FROGGS then I misunderstood :o) 20:39
jnthn Well, I wasn't clear either :) 20:40
It boils down to a limitation in MoarVM, which I think we can lift with some thought. I forget the exact details. 20:41
But will be looking carefully at invocation soon anyways.
FROGGS I believe this is a thinko: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/mast...uct.c#L351 21:14
the last argument to initialize is the body of the attr in question 21:15
and this body cannot be inlined in the structs memory
otoh, I need such a mechanism to do inlined stuff correctly 21:18
currently an inlined something still allocates, which is wrong
jnthn Note that not all attributes are in initialized_slots 21:19
iirc, those that are references (non-inlined) won't be in there at all
FROGGS only bigints might make it in there
jnthn Not in the CStruct case 21:20
But in P6opaque, yeah
But we also use it to make sure num fields get initialized to NaN
FROGGS P6int and P6num dont have initialize, so these dont make it in there too
jnthn Oh?
I thought P6num did
FROGGS /home/froggs/dev/MoarVM/src/6model/reprs/P6int.c:207: NULL, /* initialize */
/home/froggs/dev/MoarVM/src/6model/reprs/P6num.c:157: NULL, /* initialize */
jnthn Hm, interesting, it doesn't 21:21
m: class A { has num $.b }; say A.b
camelia rakudo-moar 7010f3: OUTPUT«Invocant requires an instance of type A, but a type object was passed. Did you forget a .new?␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/VapoOAEI2M line 1␤␤»
jnthn m: class A { has num $.b }; say A.new.b
camelia rakudo-moar 7010f3: OUTPUT«0␤»
jnthn oops
m: my num $a; say $a;
camelia rakudo-moar 7010f3: OUTPUT«NaN␤»
FROGGS and even if they had, passing the memory of the CStruct (plus offset) as the OBJ_BODY() of a num is wrong too
jnthn Should be that...
Yeah, I suspect that code is lifted straight from P6opaque 21:22
Where it would be the right thing to do
I wonder what we should do here... passing the real storage to initialize (or something similar called) is what I could need 21:23
jnthn Something like that, yeah. 21:24
Though interesting...I guess maybe the "shadow" storage also needs to be considered...
(for wrappers)
FROGGS can I just add initialize_native? 21:28
or is that the Wring Approach™?
jnthn Sounds odd 21:29
just the name or the approach?
jnthn It may be that CStruct simply wants to know about/recognize embeddings of CArray/CStruct and specially handle them 21:30
FROGGS yes exactly
jnthn I don't think there's a combinatoric explosion here
So I don't know we need to define an extra bit of REPR API 21:31
Not unless we see we really need it
FROGGS CStruct, CPPStruct, CUnion and CArray
jnthn Hm, forgot we had CPPStruct too :) 21:32
FROGGS I could let the ->cstruct of the attr point to the right place and then call initialize (for inlined CStructs)
and then dont malloc
jnthn I *think* that seems workable, but what about child_objs handling? 21:35
FROGGS what do you mean? 21:36
jnthn Well, I guess I don't know how that is handled at all for inlined structs... :) 21:38
But guess it must be
ah, I think I see how it works, looking at the code :) 21:39
So, no worries
FROGGS phew :o) 21:40
so I continue plaing around
jnthn :)
jnthn looks forward to playing around with things a good bit more again soon :)
japhb jnthn++ # Lots more leak fixes 23:35
timotimo i'm briefly looking at DWARF and the tools that exist to handle it (dwarfdump, dwgrep, libzwerg) 23:45
that'd probably be easier than parsing the C source to figure out how structs and such work
especially because of things like aligning that you'd have to implement some algorithms for, afte rall
developerblog.redhat.com/2015/01/2...nd-profit/ 23:46
in any case, dwarfdump spits out struct names and sizes and members with their "DW_AT_data_member_location" 23:50
so for a heap explorer, this stuff can be quite helpful i imagine 23:51
anyway, towards bed. hoping to get better 'til tomorrow