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mojca is the following compile warning expected? src/jit/emit_x64.dasc:274:86: warning: shift count >= width of type [-Wshift-count-overflow] 09:38
it's about shifting for 32 "dasm_put(Dst, 94, (unsigned int)((uintptr_t)obj), (unsigned int)(((uintptr_t)obj)>>32), Dt1E([reg]));"
09:58 kjs_ joined
nine mojca: what platform are you on? 10:40
mojca OS X
nine: x86_64 to be complete 10:41
oh, wait, maybe I just forgot about recent changes
but I'm not building for i386, at least not intentionally
oh, wait … stupid me 10:42
the warnings come from an unintentional universal build (I did just "port upgrade moarvm", forgetting that I had installed this as universal earlier)
I'm sorry for the noise; I'll try again, but I think that's it 10:43
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mojca nine: indeed, sorry for the false alarm; I tried building just for x86_64 again and the warnings are gone; it was just confusing and I forgot the issue from one or two months back 10:53
nine mojca: then the warning fulfilled it's purpose :) 10:54
mojca in a sense; I would be happier if that code was simply commented out, but it's fine as it is 10:55
tha code would not be used on i386 anyway
nine Is there any i386 support at all in the jit? 10:57
mojca nine: no, it's not, but it has recently been circumvented at runtime 11:11
earlier it just crashed
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timotimo Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: cuid_2975_1457271489.25971, name: 'infix:<*>') 15:34
BAIL: op <param_rp_n>
^- required positional, num ... shouldn't we be able to jit this already?
brrt: ^? 15:35
brrt oh, yes
pending refactoring these ops 15:36
timotimo oh
brrt :-P
timotimo ah well
brrt to recall what went wrong there
these functions return a struct
with a value and a boolean-if-they-received-that-value
they should, probably, be refactored to return success/failure and write the value to a pointer arg 15:37
timotimo oh, atposref_n aborts jitting of this AT-POS
i can implements this
brrt cool
brrt is implementing a jit test bisector
timotimo neat 15:38
based on the "fuel" metaphor, i see
brrt fuel metaphor? 15:43
timotimo yeah 15:45
the optimizer (or jit in this case) would "run on" fuel and only do stuff until it "runs out"
so if you want to find some place that breaks things, you give it more or less fuel and see where it runs out 15:46
brrt hahahah 15:47
timotimo -Constructing JIT graph (cuuid: cuid_4876_1457271489.25971, name: 'AT-POS')
-BAIL: op <atposref_n>
my local changes are teaching facts.c about all the *ref_* ops creating the corresponding types from the HLL and jitting the atposref_* ops 15:48
brrt \o/
timotimo i should have a closer look if the *ref_* ops are currently appearing in the after-inlining-all-the-things output in my current test code
if they do, i could start working on spesh going directly via the original object and whatever register has the index/name/... 15:49
in any case, this code generates a gigantic amount of reference objects
to the point where 10% run time is spent in GC
we're taking lexical refs to pass to postcircumfix:<[ ]> ;_; 16:06
as indices ;_;
maybe because we specify \key ? 16:09
but we also have candidates with the int position available 16:10
dalek arVM: 6b2e4e0 | timotimo++ | src/jit/graph.c:
jit the atposref_* ops
arVM: a3a5d0f | timotimo++ | src/spesh/facts.c:
all the ref ops now properly set up facts in spesh
timotimo pushes before heading out 16:32
dalek arVM/even-moar-jit: 207a337 | brrt++ | src/ (3 files):
Add maximum jit expr compile indexes

This is to allow 'easy' bisection of the relevant broken piece of code. To be coupled with a bisection script.
arVM/even-moar-jit: cd79c8e | brrt++ | tools/jit-bisect.pl:
Add tool for expr JIT bisecting
brrt we can now bisect where a particular piece of code really breaks 16:35
if it is a piece of the expression jit, at least
nine This segfault worries me a bit: gist.github.com/niner/dfdb4ef9ce9ac040abc2
brrt hmm 16:36
rerun with --optimize=0 --debug
nine Note that this is in Inline::Perl6 which is hacky code that embeds MoarVM despite the latter not having an embedding interface. That's why I worry only a bit. 16:37
What variables do those command line switches set in the code? I think it would be easier setting them in C than trying to find out how to pass those args to MoarVM 16:42
Oh you mean Configure.pl! 16:44
brrt sorry, i mean: reconfigure with --optimize=0 --debug, build, and rerun your test :-)
nine That I can do :)
dalek arVM/even-moar-jit: 8281387 | brrt++ | tools/jit-bisect.pl:
Tell reader which frame really is broken
16:46 cognominal joined
nine Updated the gist: gist.github.com/niner/dfdb4ef9ce9ac040abc2 16:47
brrt hmm 16:48
doesn't really ring a bell
jnthn has been fixing leaks recently though
nine So maybe MoarVM is now trying to properly free things that I have not set up correctly. 16:49
timotimo interesting, a compunit's gc_free is asploding? 16:59
could this have something to do with sharing callsites between things? that's what hoelzro hunted at some point 17:00
hoelzro I hope that's not it; that was a pain to track down 17:03
timotimo well, a valgrind run might tell us more about this 17:05
or even asan
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dalek arVM/even-moar-jit: e5a150c | brrt++ | tools/jit-bisect.pl:
Silence prove, probe for broken basic block
brrt this allows me to pinpoint *exactly* which basic block compilcation is wrong for a given test 17:14
which is , frame 395, basic block 8, binparse-string 17:15
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brrt hmm 17:18
next stop
make jit bytecode dumps comparable
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timotimo oh yeah 17:46
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brrt dalek has disconnected... 20:24
anyway, i've pinpointed the exact breakage
will now ponder a fix
jnthn brrt++
brrt anyway, that's not the cool bit
the cool bit is
i've automated the pinpointing
jnthn \o/ 20:25
That *is* cool
'cus it'll save a lot of time later
brrt thing is, it's probably not the getlex which is wrong 20:26
because that one looks right
hmmm 20:30
the plot thickens
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timotimo aaw, he didn't get to fixing it before leaving? 21:23
lizmat the plot thickens indeed :-( 21:25
timotimo yeah 21:48
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timotimo hooray, less than one garbage collection per frame 22:26
*cough* *cough*
not significantly less, though