nwc10 blog.pyston.org/2016/07/14/pyston-...-released/ -- This minor release passes all SciPy tests and is on average about 15% faster than 0.5.0. In addition several bug fixes and compatibility improvements got merged. 06:19
brrt timotimo: looks reasonably sane to me 09:31
have you tried testing it with a noppish / very rare opcode?
also... ehm
not sure, but don't you need to insert PHI's, or is that just when there are different flows 09:32
nwc10: they're working hard :-)
timotimo with what now? 09:48
sorry, i'm not sure what you were referring to with the "reasonably sane" thing
potentially the splitting thing? 10:05
brrt yes 10:58
the split_at_bb thingy
it looks good :-) 10:59
timotimo yay
hoelzro this guy really knows his stuff about GDB: www.youtube.com/watch?v=PorfLSr3DDI 17:06
definitely worth watching!
he has another video that 90m long; haven't watched that yet: www.youtube.com/watch?v=713ay4bZUrw
jnthn hoelzro: ooh, I should try and find time for that... :) 18:00
jnthn hopes that, having cleared a big $other-job task off his plate this week, he'll have a lot more Moar/Perl 6 time next week :)
nwc10 and more plate for curry? 18:03
jnthn That also :) 18:05
timotimo i liked DDD in the past. is that still cool? are there maintainers for that? 18:53
the cool thing about ddd is you have a little area where you can put values as box-and-arrow diagrams (automatically, of course) 19:03