avuserow I ran into a double free or memory corruption error on some code on moar yesterday. Is github issues an okay place for this? (Wanted to make sure that it wasn't a potential security bug that should be directed elsewhere) 19:10
jnthn avuserow: The GitHub issues queue should be fine; thanks for asking. 19:16
And thanks in advance for reporting :)
avuserow jnthn: not a problem. let me know if you want me to run it under gdb or valgrind or anything like that. I'm attempting to golf it down a bit now. 19:28
jnthn avuserow: Does it involve a multi-threaded program?
avuserow no, I'm not using any constructs like that 19:30
jnthn Hm, OK 19:35
jnthn And golfing is very helpful/welcome. :) 19:39
avuserow bug report filed. The golfed code only seems to fail on the initial revision, so I also attached ungolfed code which fails on a ~30 minute old rebuild. 20:04