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Geth MoarVM/even-moar-jit: 3a1470bb98 | (Bart Wiegmans)++ | 6 files
Implement store and load instructions

Generalize the load, copy and store pseudotiles to take multiple memory classes (i.e. base registers).
08:06 brrt joined 08:08 vendethiel- joined
brrt good * #moarvm 08:12
08:13 brrt left, brrt joined
samcv hello brrt 08:22
brrt hi samcv 08:23
i think you've forgotten to update MOAR_REVISION in NQP
because I've failing tests due to missing eqatic
samcv it has always been in moarvm
didn't make any op changes for MVM 08:24
brrt oh, really
then why is my test failing
samcv oh. you mean the fixes
brrt yeah
samcv hold on let me check
brrt :-)
samcv but interestingly the nqp::eqatic op wasn't added, but it just injected it like. using QAST or something 08:25
i forget
but the call wasn't accessible for me to test. also are we talking nqp tests or roast
brrt nqp tests
samcv ok thx
brrt :-)
samcv hmm i did bump moarvm
what version of mvm do you have 08:26
i'll go to that commit and check 08:27
well i have it bumped i checked. bumped to commit 58457845 08:28
and tests pass for me
brrt This is MoarVM version 2017.02-356-g326ac8c built with JIT support
samcv and it's passing on travis 08:29
08:29 samcv left, samcv joined
samcv oops accidently parted 08:29
nwc10 mmm, Travis. www.welovebob.com/characters/travis.htm 08:30
samcv travis is like that old rundown tractor. perpetually out of date. but still useful so you keep it around
brrt, idk try deleting libmoar.so and */bin/moar 08:31
sometimes things are weird. idk i've gotten times where i had to manually delete things to get a version bump to actually show up so i could build nqp 08:32
ugh now i can't change branches on moarvm because i have untracked files 08:33
in the 3rdparty directory. maybe resetting will save me
brrt hmm, i'm fairly sure I don't have your patches in even-moar-jit 08:35
but the question is
why does the version check not work
samcv not sure. but deleting the .so and binary and then installing fixed it
this has happened at least 3+ times
make clean make realclean and build no change. 08:36
brrt o.O
samcv also it sucks i can't checkout other branches now and it complains about libtommath would be overwritten
brrt that is really odd
what happened there
samcv yeah. happens a lot
brrt wasn't libtommath just a submodule 08:37
and if so
samcv uhm i think it's a submodule now?
brrt why couldn't the submodule url not be changed
samcv and wasn't before?
brrt but it wasn't before..
samcv probably something i can do to have it force remove them and not bother me
brrt git clean -xdf will help 08:38
samcv what does that do?
remove untracked files?
ah but that won't help because it's a submodule
brrt yes 08:39
not from master to other things
but it helps me merging in master to even-moar-jit
samcv i can't seem to checkout that branch
error: pathspec 'even-moar-jit' did not match any file(s) known to git.
brrt surprise 08:40
well, that's odd
samcv gonna try more things
brrt MAX and MIN are no longer defined
samcv well i get a conflict with libtommath :) 08:41
fun fun fun
almost wanna make a new git folder lol
ugh well i found the answer `git show-ref` grepped it for the branch. so i can checkout refs/remotes/upstream/even-moar-jit 08:44
and i try pulling and it doesn't know to put it in that branch. 08:45
think i'll push all my changes to my repo and then start new 08:46
Geth MoarVM/even-moar-jit: 15 commits pushed by (Daniel Green)++, (Jonathan Worthington)++, (Timo Paulssen)++, (Samantha McVey)++, (Bart Wiegmans)++
review: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/compare/3...fb12eb1634
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timotimo brrt: are you going to rebase the even-moar-jit branch, or will we just merge it and keep the amazing history with all the merge commits one way? 11:25
MasterDuke timotimo: re jnthn's comment in github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/issues/545, do you know how to "influence the nursery size"? 11:28
timotimo ah yes 11:29
there's a nursery alloc limit in the threadcontext
just subtract from that
it'll be reset to what it "used to be" the next time a minor collection happens 11:30
MasterDuke so what about that has to be done "carefully"?
timotimo well, we don't want to cause regular code that uses bigints to suddenly do hundreds of thousands of collections per second 11:31
i read that sentence as being careful about the way we check bigints for their influence
i could be wrong
jnthn Well, the other thing is that you musn't move the limit behind the alloc
I think that doing that is liable to bust something 11:32
MasterDuke jnthn: but wouldn't that give us infinite ram?
jnthn May get away with it, but I wouldn't bet on it
I...don't understand the question 11:33
We're moving the limit back towards the start of the nursery, so we collect sooner
I'm saying we mustn't move it further back than the "where we should allocate the next object"
e.g. into the region we've already used
timotimo so always leave at least one byte? :)
MasterDuke just a bad joke. if the limit goes negative, perl6 creates more ram for your computer!
brrt i think rebasing the even-moar-jit branch will be highly brittle 11:34
timotimo hm. well, probably
brrt i can try…
timotimo i "fondly" remember how newio used to look in "gitk"
MasterDuke jnthn: re github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/issues/513, i sort of have a fix, but it breaks some tests 11:35
m: use Test; todo('the values get accidentally sign-extended'); is class :: { has uint64 $.x; }.new( x => 2**64-1 ).x, 2**64-1
camelia not ok 1 - # TODO the values get accidentally sign-extended

# Failed test at <tmp> line 1
# expected: '18446744073709551615'
# got: '-1'
timotimo do we have a central issue somewhere that tracks progress on making perl6 installations relocatable? 11:36
MasterDuke that now actually fails because the assignment is done using signed ops
so it complains that the number is too big for a signed int 11:37
it's done via `decont_i -> MVM_6model_container_decont_i`, instead of `decont_u -> MVM_6model_container_decont_u`
jnthn Yeah, we don't really do uint64 properly yet 11:38
MasterDuke i started down a rabbit hole of adding *_u versions of a lot of ops 11:39
jnthn decont_u is a place where we could do with it 11:40
MasterDuke and got to the point where i think a src/6model/reprs/P6biguint.c is needed
jnthn Hm
11:40 agentzh joined
jnthn I'm not sure about that 11:40
MasterDuke heh, neither am i
but there's a couple places with an array of native assign ops. `my @native_assign_ops := ['', 'assign_i', 'assign_n', 'assign_s'];` 11:41
jnthn Assignment is about containers 11:42
And nothing to do with bigint
MasterDuke and rakudo indexes into that to pick the right op, based on nqp::objprimspec() 11:43
and that op does REPR(type)->get_storage_spec(tc, STABLE(type)) 11:44
and the storage_spec for p6bigint has MVM_STORAGE_SPEC_BP_INT, which is == 1, and is used as the index into that array of assign ops 11:46
backing up to decont_u, i added that, but couldn't find where the decont_i was being called/codegenned for `my uint64 $a = <foo>` 11:50
and then i found this: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/...nqp#L1262. `if $last_op eq 'assign_i' { $op.op('decont_i') }` 11:51
and added an else for assign_u, but that's where i ran into the storage_spec problem 11:52
jnthn lunch now; bbiab
MasterDuke k. i'm going to add a couple more comments while it's relatively fresh in my mind 11:53
i just had a thought. it may not be very "clean", but i guess i could check if the storage_spec has the is_unsigned flag set and return a different value then 11:55
in the objprimspec implementation here: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/mast...rp.c#L1819
`if (ss->boxed_primitive == MVM_STORAGE_SPEC_BP_INT && ss->is_unsigned == 1) { GET_REG(cur_op, 0).i64 = 4; } else { GET_REG(cur_op, 0).i64 = ss->boxed_primitive; }` 11:58
Bytecode validation error at offset 124, instruction 19: operand type 160 does not match register type 56 12:09
i broke something
samcv so should it be indexic_s for string index case insensitive 12:13
index_s is the op name
and eqatic is the op for case insensitive eqat
indexic_s ?
jnthn, let me know when you get back from lunch 12:15
MasterDuke timotimo: re making perl6 installations relocatable, did mst ever merge his work on cleaning up the build process? and is it related? 12:17
samcv MasterDuke, what are your thoughts on the op name 12:28
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brrt (rebase from hell :-o) 12:44
MasterDuke samcv: indexic_s seems consistent 12:48
samcv kk
MasterDuke oh, just found nqp::objprimunsigned, maybe can make do with that 12:59
samcv ok op is sorta done. i can make it faster eventually but atm relies on the other op 13:05
good start point to continue work
jnthn samcv: indexic_s works for me 13:19
yoleaux2 12:32Z <IOninja> jnthn: would you mind taking a look at this code? I read your response on some ticket that using values to parameterize roles can lead to memory leaks: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/...#L761-L766
samcv kk
13:23 brrt joined
Geth MoarVM: samcv++ created pull request #550:
Add case insensitive string index op indexic_s
samcv jnthn, right now it just calls MVM_string_equal_at_ignore_case for the length of the string, which is a little wasteful, but i'm not 100% sure how i am going to proceed with trying to factor out code i need between both 13:25
jnthn samcv: Make it work, then make it fast :) 13:26
samcv yeah that's what i was thinking
want to add it and then add some tests in for nqp then think really hard
jnthn +1
samcv and eventually the code will appear
jnthn I'll review it in a little bit ;)
samcv kk 13:27
brrt jnthn, the danger of that strategy is that it can lock you into something that will never, ever work fast :-)
samcv well depends what it is 13:28
brrt (and even if code doesn't lock you, then often economics will)
samcv if i don't respond i've headed to bed, but feel free to send me messages 13:29
brrt sleep well :-) 13:30
jnthn brrt: Maybe, but it's only in the good cases that you know both how to do something and how to do it fast up front. Sometimes it needs implementing something once to understand it well enough to be able to come up with a fast/correct design 13:33
brrt true, true 13:34
jnthn Or at least, that's how it works for me :P
MasterDuke jnthn: on my branch, `my uint64 $a = 2**63-1; say $a` now complains `getlexref_i: lexical is not an int`. i've added a getlexref_u, but not sure how to get it called instead 13:37
brrt you're absolutely right for any technical question; but with regards to systems-in-social-context, the lock-in to an inefficient system is very, very real, and rather problematic, and often avoided easily enough 13:39
jnthn MasterDuke: Probably need to look through the QAST::Var compilation code 13:41
There's a codepath in there that emits getlexref ops
MasterDuke yeah, looking at src/vm/moar/QAST/QASTCompilerMAST.nqp:1651 now
13:50 IRCFrEAK joined
MasterDuke ugh, all these arrays of ops 13:52
jnthn You'd prefer lots of if nests? :) 13:53
brrt timotimo: it's basically impossible to do 13:55
MasterDuke probably not. but figuring out what change to make here `my @kind_to_op_slot := [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 4, 4, 4, 4 ];` isn't perfectly easy when you've never looked at this code before
heh. and in the middle of @attrref_opnames, `# XXX Want a getattrref_u in the end` 13:56
guess that does tell me where it should go...
hm, looks like i'm in the `if $lex` branch, not the `if $lexref` branch. 14:01
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timotimo we could squash the whole even-moar-jit into a singel commit :P 14:14
dogbert17 o/ 14:15
there are several tests which make ASAN unhappy if MVM_SPESH_NODELAY=1, have found three so far
nwc10 cool - I'd not been trying that 14:16
(I hope that jnthn doesn't hate me too much for encouraging pain)
torturing implementors, right?
dogbert17 nwc10: you definitely should :)
that's what we do :)
nwc10 meanwhile, send money here: www.perlfoundation.org/perl_6_core_...pment_fund 14:17
dogbert17 try this to see if you can reproduce (am on a 32 bit vm myself) t/spec/S06-currying/named.t
nwc10 I don't think that "my" machine has 32 bit ASAN installed 14:18
and "my" other machine which *is* 32 bit is painfully slow
and "my" poor workdeskop is getting hammered by running a VM
(I'm cruel to it) 14:19
I'm actually root on my work desktop, so could easily install things there
dogbert17 my 'hope' is that the bug will show up on 64 bit as well
nwc10 ah OK
dogbert17: score! paste.scsys.co.uk/557481 14:21
dogbert17 yay
wonder what is actually going wrong though, is it a spesh issue or something else 14:22
I haven't checked all spectests, only up to S06 14:23
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dogbert17 jnthn: should I write a MoarVM issue wrt the MVM_SPESH_NODELAY test problems? 16:22
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Geth MoarVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #551:
Shorten the nursery when creating large bigints
ilmari MasterDuke: uh, that only adds commented-out code... 17:32
MasterDuke ilmari: ha, that's what i get for testing while committing 17:33
ilmari++ for catching that
fixed 17:34
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ilmari has no comments on the merits of the code itself, though 17:36
MasterDuke when to adjust, and by how much, need input from someone who knows moarvm and the gc much much better than i 17:38
jnthn dogbert17: Yes, please; I'll have time to look more later in the week :) 18:12
18:27 brrt joined
MasterDuke dogbert17: have you had a failures with t/spec/S17-promise/nonblocking-await.t? it just flapped for me 18:50
dogbert17 jnthn: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/issues/552 18:53
MasterDuke: test 19? 18:54
MasterDuke 10 i think
well no, 10 was ok, but then it stopped after that 18:55
took about 20 runs to get it 18:56
dogbert17 MasterDuke: interesting 18:59
MasterDuke gist updated with valgrind output 19:01
updated with some different valgrind output 19:02
gist updated again. i've never seen this before: `MoarVM panic: Corrupt multi dispatch cache: cur_node == 0` 19:39
jnthn That's a new one... 19:59
jnthn never saw it before either, except when implementing said cache, and even then only once :) 20:00
MasterDuke i tried changing it to print what cur_node actually is, but it hasn't happened again after another ~20 runs 20:07
Geth MoarVM: perlpilot++ created pull request #553:
Use HTTPS protocol for fetching libtommath
MasterDuke but that test i extracted out segfaults every single time with valgrind 20:09
dogbert17 MasterDuke: It bugs out for me as well 20:12
MasterDuke ah, got it again! `MoarVM panic: Corrupt multi dispatch cache: cur_node == -24`
dogbert17: it seemed to run fine with perl6-gdb-m though, maybe you can figure something out there 20:13
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perlpilot github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/pull/553 (just in case) 20:16
The gist is that where I'm at git protocol is blocked, but https is not. 20:17
nwc10 perlpilot: Geth announced it: irclog.perlgeek.de/moarvm/2017-03-14#i_14263917
perlpilot oh good
jnthn perlpilot: Do we do that for the other submodules?
perlpilot use https? yes
nwc10 I *thought* that we had a way to run Configure.pl to chose git instead of https 20:18
Geth MoarVM: ea9a8e1480 | (Jonathan Scott Duff)++ | .gitmodules
Use HTTPS protocol for fetching libtommath

Some organizations won't allow the git protocol, but will allow https.
MoarVM: b8aa33dfb9 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | .gitmodules
Merge pull request #553 from perlpilot/master

Use HTTPS protocol for fetching libtommath
nwc10 but I'm doing a proper Usenet thing here and not actually looking at any code :-)
jnthn Me too, but should keep the defaults straight
nwc10 One machine I'm using is firewalled for https but git is OK 20:19
perlpilot nwc10: yes, for the main module, I think there's a GIT_PROTOCOL env var, but for submodules, it's in the repo
nwc10 yes, I know that this is the less common way round
perlpilot nwc10: I wonder if we could make it so that there's are two branches just with the submodule configuration (one for git protocol, one for https protocol, and none in master), then the appropriate branch gets merged in based on your perferred protocol. 20:24
There's probably some better way to do that but I don't know much about submodules to know what that would be. 20:25
nwc10 me neither
dogbert17 jnthn, MasterDuke: got it with gdb (finally): gist.github.com/dogbert17/0996beb9...b1150a910c 20:30
MasterDuke dogbert17++ 20:32
jnthn: got that `Corrupt multi dispatch cache` a couple more times, so far all the times where i printed out the actual cur_node it was == -24 20:33
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jnthn dogbert17: ooh, that's an interesting one 21:29
MasterDuke jnthn: you meant something like `tc->nursery_alloc_limit -= (USED(ic) * sizeof(mp_int)) & ~0x7;`?
jnthn I'm way too tired to go hunting SEGVs today, alas
MasterDuke: Without the sizeof(mp_int)
MasterDuke: USED(ic) should give the non-GC-managed bytes allocated 21:30
And then also a MAX(USED(ic), 32768) or so 21:31
So `MAX(USED(ic), 32768) & ~0x7` is pretty good
MasterDuke running that sample code and printing out used, it never goes above 10
jnthn Yeah, guess the numbers just ain't all that big :) 21:32
If it's not creating enough pressure we could USED(ic) + sizeof(mp_int)
MasterDuke ah, with a bigger number in that loop used goes over 2000 21:33
jnthn Yeah, I don't think if all the numbers had USED of 10 we'd be hitting 1GB..
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MasterDuke ok, then i'll just change to `MAX(USED(ic), 32768) & ~0x7` 21:34
jnthn That'd imply over a million numbers, but the nursery is only 4MB and the holding object is 32 bytes :)
MasterDuke there were only ~500k numbers when i saw used go over 2k 21:36
wait, shouldn't that be `MIN(USED(ic), 32768) & ~0x7`? 21:37
jnthn Uh, yes, it should 21:38
jnthn is tired
MasterDuke jnthn: hopefully one last question. `if (tc->nursery_alloc_limit - nursery_adjust) > (tc->nursery_alloc + nursery_adjust))`. do i need to check that the difference there is greater than some value, or will the masking take care of that? 21:43
jnthn We have the MIN which will avoid wrap-around issues 22:01
I think you can just do > tc->nursery_alloc also 22:02
That'd be more accurate, I think
MasterDuke ah, ok, i'll change that 22:05
samcv good *
MasterDuke PR updated 22:06
jnthn OK; I'll look in the morning when I can do a useful review :) 22:09
MasterDuke thanks
jnthn o/ samcv 22:10
MasterDuke jnthn: oh, btw, think i should add this to the other functions in src/math/bigintops.c? 22:12
jnthn MasterDuke: Yeah, maybe factor it out to an MVM_STATIC_INLINE 22:26
And then just call it
MasterDuke all the functions (that create bigints), or should i try to log the `->used` in them and see if i can get any of them large? 22:27
jnthn I think they probably all have potential :) 22:28
I mean, I think you could probably write programs that get a big number in all of the cases
Of course, some don't produce new bigints (is-prime, comparatives, etc.) 22:29
MasterDuke yeah, then i'll go ahead and try to factor the code out and then add it to any function that produces new bigints 22:30
jnthn Alrighty :)
jnthn will go and get some much-needed rest
MasterDuke later... 22:31
samcv: is your indexic_s faster? or the same, just cleaner code? 22:35
samcv than what
MasterDuke than whatever used to be done if you wanted the same functionality 22:36
samcv well eventually it will be yeah. it could be faster already
cause i think we do index with like uc or lc 22:37
which doesn't work properly unless it's really close to the start of the string
m: say 'aaaaaaaaaastaaaa' ~~ m:i/st/
camelia False
MasterDuke e.g., is there some code that does a uc of a needle and a haystack and then an index of those?
samcv that's what i think happens. i'm not 100% sure what happens
on nqp side but we will need a case insensitive index thing to replace our current index calls 22:38
MasterDuke ah, so at least more correctness, possibly more speed?
samcv so a) it won't be part broken and b) will be faster
already made m:i 40% faster :)
with my previous changes that were merged
so not sure about the speed of it now compared to what we do now, becuase don't have any way to test nqp with the new index thing yet since that side of things isn't implemented 22:40
MasterDuke yup
btw, index_s is jitted, you might want to add indexic_s to the jit also 22:41
afk for a bit & 22:42
samcv MasterDuke, how does JIT improve speed of a C function 22:43
when it's already in binary
MasterDuke samcv: in the case that it just calls a C function i think it only removes the overhead of the call itself 23:05
samcv ah ok 23:06
MasterDuke which is why when i added the non-bigint radix to the JIT it only made it a little faster
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