timotimo i was sidetracked by people around me 00:08
samcv: the problem is that we're joining a whole bunch of things and we have to check every seam where we join stuff 00:09
i have probably hallucinated the result where i had a tenth of what i thought i'd have 00:11
okay, i probably have to assume my problem is that i recurse instead of doing my stuff flat? 00:14
one of the strings has 7201 pieces
so it could very well be that at its peak it's 7k calls down 00:15
in its heap
okay, cool, now i'm "down" to 4 gigs 00:17
MasterDuke look at those gains! 00:18
timotimo dem gains, brah
parse-string is just not so clever in general 00:19
00:20 Ven joined
timotimo it may want a partial rewrite 00:20
MasterDuke do you know what "\n" or "\r\n" are as MVMGrapheme32's? 00:21
timotimo yup 00:22
i made it work much faster, but now it b0rks multiple \ in a row 00:23
no, something more basic was actually wrong 00:28
i think i'll drive home instead of continuing to bang my head against this
no doubt this can be done much easier
wat, i just made it pass?!
haha. nope.
MasterDuke may have made it a bit faster and use less memory, nqp tested fine, seeing what a spectest looks like 00:31
in MVM_nfg_is_concat_stable, changed this `if (last_a < 0 || first_b < 0)` to this `if ((last_a != MVM_nfg_crlf_grapheme(tc) && last_a < 0) || (first_b != MVM_nfg_crlf_grapheme(tc) && first_b < 0))` 00:33
spectest passed, hope something would have failed if my change wasn't correct 00:34
timotimo i expected something like that would be right 00:35
but it could very well be that our test coverage of this is ... meager 00:36
MasterDuke if i printed the .perl of the from-json result, would that be different if i'd messed something up? 00:37
timotimo not necessarily
it's probably only bad in cases we're not thinking of right now 00:38
there's also the comment above that if that says that the rest of the code relies on the last_a and first_b being >= 0 00:39
MasterDuke but it says that's an over-estimate, right?
timotimo yes 00:40
but maybe we have to put checks for < 0 into the other pieces of code
MasterDuke well, i'll PR it for people to think about
fwiw, it was about .5s faster and .3g less ram 00:41
Geth MoarVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #556:
Special case "\r\n" in MVM_nfg_is_concat_stable
timotimo hm. that's not tremendously much 01:21
the memory usage is still pretty amazing
in a bad way 01:23
dat profile.sql ... 01:30
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MasterDukeMobile Yeah, the qt viewer choked when I created a .json profile 01:35
Too deeply nested or something like that
timotimo could be, yeah
the plot sqlitebrowser shows for retained/promoted/cleared bytes is ... amazing 01:36
cleared is extremely low all the time
MasterDukeMobile Hm, haven't tried a profile after my change
timotimo and the other two make a trumpet
oh, your change. i should pull that in
the BEGIN and COMMIT in the .sql file make sqlitebrowser quite confused 01:38
it seems to want to put its own transaction around the code
which then explodes because you can't have nested transactions in sqlite 01:39
the other way to do it makes it fail to create it somehow and it just waits forever
well, sqlite3 /tmp/profile.sqlite -init /tmp/profile.sql does the trick just fine 01:41
MasterDukeMobile Please feel free to edit that code (sql profile stuff) as you see fit
timotimo i was still hoping you could do that one thing for me :3 01:43
anyway, the ping-ponging between promoted and retained is a clear indicator of having almost completely long-lived objects
i feel like i did something today 01:46
that's nice
MasterDukeMobile Yep 01:49
timotimo i think it'd be really valuable if parse-string wouldn't recurse 01:50
MasterDukeMobile Recursion can be so clean a solution and yet not so great for performance 01:53
timotimo mhm 01:54
MasterDukeMobile Btw, did you pull my change? If so, did it change the profile much?
timotimo really difficult to judge 01:59
were you able to spot if the difference in memory usage was mostly re_nfg?
MasterDukeMobile Not sure. But I think it dropped to approx 35% in the perf report 02:00
timotimo it used to be almost 50%? 02:01
MasterDukeMobile I think I compared at the same commit of Json::fast if that's what you mean
49 -> 46 with the first j::f fix, then to 35 with my change 02:03
Something like that anyway
MasterDuke just looked at the previous heaptrack report. 890m allocated in re_nfg, 432m after my change 02:33
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samcv yay 07:26
gonna pull MasterDuke
merge i mean
Geth MoarVM: f273133979 | (Daniel Green)++ | src/strings/nfg.c
Special case "\r\n" in MVM_nfg_is_concat_stable

  "\r\n" can never combine with anything else, so we can special-case it
in the check whether the relevant graphemes are synthetic.
MoarVM: fe1dc84ac7 | (Samantha McVey)++ | src/strings/nfg.c
Merge pull request #556 from MasterDuke17/special_case_crlf_in_MVM_nfg_is_concat_stable

Special case "\r\n" in MVM_nfg_is_concat_stable
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timotimo i wonder if we can only re_nfg in join when we're finished 11:33
instead of over and over and over
lizmat jnthn: re docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kp...edit#gid=0 , why is .elems delegating to .cache, end end to .list ? I mean, isn't end just .elems - 1 ? 11:35
MasterDuke timotimo: MVM_string_join does only do it to the final result `return MVM_nfg_is_concat_stable(tc, a, b) ? result : re_nfg(tc, result);` 12:08
timotimo oh 12:13
why then would it take so long? :\ 12:14
MasterDuke timotimo, jnthn: slight change in topic, in native_ref_fetch (src/6model/containers.c:234) or native_ref_fetch_i, is there any way to tell if we're dealing with a signed vs unsigned native? it switches on a MVMNativeRefREPRData->primitive_type for int vs num vs str, but i can't see any way to find out about the signedness 12:16
timotimo: is parse-string doing more joins than it needs to?
timotimo it used to
it might still do that 12:17
it also does concats every now and then
i really must measure this more precisely
MasterDuke yeah, maybe construct a very small test case that you can calculate how many joins/concats it should only have to do and compare to how many it actually does? 12:18
timotimo yeah, it'd just be like "\r\n foo \r\n bar \r\n zap \t yoink \t blubb \t omg" 12:21
that's the perfect test case right there
MasterDuke timotimo: somewhat related question. github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/pull/551 fixes/addresses rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=126450, but i'm not sure how to write a test for memory use. could your vmhealth branch help with that? 12:28
timotimo hm. bad idea, i think 12:29
... just write the test so that if the bug is there, it'd consume 64gigs of ram, and if the user's computer crashes during testing, the test failed
(yeah probably don't do that) 12:30
MasterDuke heh, i'd want to reach through the internet and slap someone who merged a test like that 12:31
timotimo :D 12:32
samcv sounds like a great test 12:35
fullfills the criteria that when ran, the user will know whether or not the test failed
MasterDuke i'm not even sure there are many (any?) performance tests in roast, i wonder if it makes more sense to have a separate suite for that
timotimo yup, nothing wrong with that at all
samcv MasterDuke, we have the nqp tests 12:36
and rakudo has some tests but i don't think any moar specific ones?
MasterDuke doesn't jnthn have a page of moar/rakudo daily benchmarks? 12:38
timotimo yup
we can also put more different kinds of measurement there
MasterDuke any sort of alerting when values change?
hm, seems to have stopped at 3/8/17 12:39
timotimo because there's a level of folders in between
no alerting
interesting, it did stop 12:40
probably ran out of memory on the server! :P
MasterDuke are there any plots over time of those benches?
timotimo don't think so 12:41
i believe jnthn's daily script nukes the results every day so we don't have histories on a per-day basis
MasterDuke oh, the *-releases and *-releases-history have some results over time 12:42
but those seem to have died on 1/31/17
and those graphs are a little odd, they always have a sharp up or down turn at end, like there's always some bad value 12:45
anyway, afk for a while &
Geth MoarVM: cac2a57c04 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | Configure.pl
Do not set use rpath if installing into proper system locations

This is a hopefully better attempt than commit f777352ebae29349d1bfa9e6c03c12f32f2ec689.
Removing because rpath is prohibited on Fedora and strongly discouraged on openSUSE. It's also not needed if libmoar.so is installed into the default library path.
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Geth MoarVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #557:
Correctly detect+handle overflow in mp_get_int64
MasterDuke nine: my PR ^^^ was inspired by/based off of the attempted patch you gave me a little while ago, how does it look to you? 19:29
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nine MasterDuke: looks good to me! I wonder how it does on the performance front? 21:24
MasterDuke nine: slightly faster. `for ^10_000_000 { my uint64 $a = 2**64-1; my int64 $b = 2**62; my int64 $c = -2**63 }` took an average of 13.4s before, 13.1s after 23:52