00:45 Ven joined
timotimo oh, the "attempted to unlock a mutex by a thread not holding it" or whatever was from when i added a new op and forgot ot recompile rakudo ... i think? 00:49
or when i did the reverse; threw away the changes and forgot to recompile rakudo
Please report this as a bug (mail to [email@hidden.address] 00:50
and re-run with the --ll-exception command line option
to get more information about your error>
where is this coming from? o_O
Backtrace.pm, eh? huh.
Geth MoarVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #578:
Fix mp_get_int64 and mp_get_uint64 for realz
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nine blog.ffwll.ch/2017/04/review-howto.html 07:33
yoleaux 25 Mar 2017 07:50Z <samcv> nine: getting those failing tests again. maybe because i'm using libffi under moarvm and not dyncall?
30 Mar 2017 03:59Z <AlexDaniel> nine: any ideas? irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2017-03-30#i_14348415
samcv that was a while ago. hm 07:34
nine Oops... Shouldn't I have gotten these on #perl6-dev, too?
samcv probably 07:35
anyway i have not 100% confirmed the abovee, but that's what i suspect the issue may be 07:37
07:38 domidumont joined
nine Well dyncall is certainly the better tested one. 07:58
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brrt good *, #moarvm 08:24
ohai nine
lol 'giving less focus on top committer stats'
well, if you're open source community is so screwed that people regard it as a points-gathering exercise... 08:25
samcv hi brrt 08:27
brrt hi samcv 08:28
samcv that's a good article 08:33
i need to invent one of those watches that counts your steps or something except it tracks your points 08:34
and it will make exciting noisese when you gain points
also soon we will have coverage reports with every commit i expect 08:37
since i've now learned how to get travis ci to make commits to repositories
and we will have a github pages page which will have the coverage infos
brrt it's a decent article, but I can't help but grumble like an old fart about theā€¦ assumingness of it all 08:38
i'm not sure how to say it correctly
samcv i think I get what you mean
brrt well, that's better than I could expect :-) 08:39
that said 08:40
how is your experience as a new contributor for moar / rakudo?
i do wonder
samcv good 08:42
it makes me very happy
to be improving a language I love for all the people that use it 08:53
is very satisfying
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brrt well, that's good to hear :-) 09:48
nine brrt: the article does mention that it is written with a kernel focus
brrt oh, i didn't notice tha 09:52
nine brrt: s/better of re-engineering/better off re-engineering/ in your latest blog post 09:54
And very interesting bit about setjmp/longjmp :) 09:55
brrt i'll fix it, thanks :-) 09:58
nine brrt: hahaha, that's cool. Just reading your Register Allocator Update blog post and when I came to the paragraph about squeezing in new tiles into the tile array, I though "couldn't you just leave some space between the tiles?". And that seems to be exactly what you did :) 10:05
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brrt yes, it is :-) 10:26
samcv night moarvm :) 10:47
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Geth MoarVM: 6346f44c70 | (Daniel Green)++ | src/6model/reprs/P6bigint.c
Fix mp_get_int64 and mp_get_uint64 for realz

mp_get_long_long does in fact overflow/wrap around when the mp_int is too large. So bring back checking the number of bits in the mp_int before calling it. Also, remove the redundant check for whether the mp_int is 0, since the exact same check is done in mp_get_long_long.
MoarVM: 4d8e140ccb | (Daniel Green)++ | src/6model/reprs/P6bigint.c
Make bits const and explain signed max bits better
MoarVM: 66dd8c932d | niner++ | src/6model/reprs/P6bigint.c
Merge pull request #578 from MasterDuke17/fix_mp_get_int64_and_mp_get_uint64_for_realz

Fix mp_get_int64 and mp_get_uint64 for realz
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Geth MoarVM: c9ab59c6ba | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/io/io.c
Remove arbitrary and small length range check.

This meant we could not slurp a file over 100MB in binary mode without getting an error. Removing this, such a file is very easily slurped.
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