00:12 BenGoldberg joined 02:40 geekosaur joined 05:34 brrt joined
brrt moarning 05:35
nwc10 good *, brrt 05:51
brrt ohai nwc10 05:53
samcv hi brrt 06:08
brrt hi samcv 06:09
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brrt blegh, blogging is hard 06:43
samcv hah 06:46
just type "words words words words words"
that's all there is to it!
brrt lol 06:55
i have no idea how some people can write soo much
case in point: jvns.ca 06:56
timotimo it's easier to edit than it is to write 07:06
so start off with some obvious BS
brrt hmmm 07:07
had not considered that
i way-to-often remove large pieces of text
mst step 1. knock out a first draft without stopping or editing anything
step 2. set an alarm for 10 minutes 07:08
step 3. when the alarm goes off, stop editing and publish it
step 4. be amazed that people still think it's a reasonable post
timotimo wereturtle.github.io/ghostwriter/ - this has a mode that won't allow you to delete or backspace 07:09
"hemmingway mode" 07:10
i have been meaning to try this in earnest
get it? :| 07:13
nwc10 groans 07:15
mst I was TRYING to pretend I hadn't noticed 07:16
nwc10 also, not sure if anyone is going to be able to make a follow up pun
mst possibly I underestimated how much importance you attached to your pun
timotimo sorry about that
brrt lol 07:18
there is a point to what you're saying
i don't really know better than the wider internet what is and what isn't a good post 07:19
timotimo sounds like what you want is A/B testing 07:26
mst really, you want to publish both and not worry :) 07:27
timotimo pardon me, "publish both"? 07:29
i'd expect more like "you want to both publish and not worry"
brrt well, i say that 'publish and not worry' sounds pretty seductive 07:32
timotimo you don't plan on posting anything pitchfork-and-torch-mob-inducing, do you? :) 07:36
mst timotimo: publish the A and the B and leave them both up
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timotimo ah 07:38
that's certainly easier to implement
i should be getting ready to head out the door
looking forward to that blergperst 07:39
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brrt not unless the finer details of expression template compilation are ptchfork-worthy 07:41
but you never now
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timotimo there could be purists out there 07:46
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lizmat samcv: good point, done! 07:55
samcv thank you :)
looks good, awesome 07:56
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Geth MoarVM/even-moar-jit: 45 commits pushed by (Samantha McVey)++, (Timo Paulssen)++, niner++, (Stefan Seifert)++, (Bart Wiegmans)++
review: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/compare/d...c7e7b8981e
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timotimo whoops, did i break speshdump ... 14:05
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Geth MoarVM: 1fd9e49629 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/spesh/dump.c
lineno annotations don't have deopt index
timotimo huh, no way. i removed decont_all and put deconts all over my code and now it's much slower? 14:35
well, i'm using <> so maybe that's it?
hm. getting rid of decont_all didn't make it that much faster 14:37
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timotimo not rendering makes the program finish its workload 2x faster :| 15:51
MasterDuke_ this your SDL shooter demo? 15:58
timotimo nah, a cellular-automata-like thing 16:00
MasterDuke_ fun 16:01
timotimo except it takes almost 20 seconds to calculate and render 100 frames 16:02
85x65 cells 16:03
MasterDuke_ !
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timotimo maybe i'll port TT's array of neghbours per tile approach to this 16:44
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timotimo seems a bunch slower :< 16:53
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timotimo okay, it's a lot slower 16:58
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timotimo it's still running 17:32
did i make a mistake?
yeah, i accidentally wronged a loop 17:39
but it did end up slower than before
japhb imagines the loop as a trigger-happy 18th century dueler, removing a loop variable to slap timotimo with in order to officially challenge him for redress of his wrongs 17:44
.oO( "You, sir, SHALL NOT WRONG ME AGAIN!" )
timotimo "my name is forloop montoya."
japhb :-D
timotimo it took me ages to finally see this movie 17:46
japhb "You infinilooped my OUTER, prepare to die()!"
timotimo i should definitely have watched it earlier
japhb Yes, yes indeed. :-)
Good as is or references aplenty, and makes excellent cinememes too. 17:47
timotimo yup, all-around a good movie 17:49
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timotimo mst: how much of your build system stuff have we been able to integrate upstream? i don't recall if anything much happened on that front 18:13
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timotimo i'm already going to bed, and tomorrow will be a drive-across-country-day, but not nearly the same way americans would interpret that term 20:46
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japhb timotimo: American interpretation: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannonball_B...ash#Legacy 20:59
Mind you, the current record for that one is not *quite* a single day, so we still have some work to do. 21:00
mst timotimo: not a lot but I think I mostly pointed out holes, my fixes weren't actually good 21:47
I really need to take a weekend to redo them and see how much now works
but I keep getting distracted by other projects
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