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MasterDuke_ timotimo: TUI? 02:24
samcv guys what's the file open limit for MVM? 05:17
is it mostly just the os?
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timotimo terminal UI 09:50
samcv: yeah, ulimit tells you what it is
i'm not sure what the maximum maximum is
samcv yeah got it figured out
it was wayyyyyyy lower than the system limit 09:51
was like 1600
timotimo it's usually 1024 i believe
samcv maybe was that
sounds abotu right
Geth MoarVM: pmurias++ created pull request #588:
Coerce s n
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timotimo i think in general you don't want to try to parse something like the spdx grammar with perl6 grammars 18:07
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samcv yeah idk lol. uguxe wanted to do it |: 21:09
it seems hard. but. i think it must be possible
timotimo, cause you can have parenthesis and precedence
(MIT AND GPL-1.0) OR BSD-2-Clause 21:10
for example
arbitrary parens and stuff
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timotimo well, parents are okay for recursive descent 21:26
yoleaux 20:24Z <japhb> timotimo: I noticed yesterday you were discussing raw and processed keyboard input in terminal UIs. See github.com/ab5tract/Terminal-Print...wInput.pm6 for early work on this, with github.com/ab5tract/Terminal-Print...es/tris.p6 for a test program. Last I tried it works fine right up until it stops accepting keyboard input; see github.com/ab5tract/
Terminal-Print/issues/19 for the sa
timotimo but other than that you have an operator precedence parser really
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timotimo that should totally have a module in the ecosystem 21:26
operator precedence parsers in general
samcv yeah 21:31
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samcv timotimo, i think (haven't done precedence yet. more important for it to parse) 21:39
but i think i maybe have it working the best i've had it
timotimo i've been able to trace it btw 21:40
it's "succeeding" at parsing THIS as a or-thingie over and over and over again
i wonder if it'd help if you make it ** 2..* instead of just + 21:41
because it isn't supposed to think "THIS" is an or-statement
samcv ok pushing latest changes 21:42
github.com/samcv/SPDX-Parser/blob/...Parser.pm6 it's not dying anymore since i moved paren-expression into multiple syms
so compound expression can be either one with parens or not
it only fails parsing one of my things in the test file. not checked accuracy yet 21:44
timotimo we have only WITH, AND, and OR?
samcv yes
and parens
timotimo right 21:47
and WITH is tightest, then AND, then OR, and parens do whatever you want
samcv yeah
timotimo that's not even complex enough for the shunting yard algorithm 21:48
samcv this is not that bad a parse gist.github.com/samcv/cdc10399a866...4451ddf07b
i will look into that 21:49
i think it'll work for simple ones at least 21:50
going to try some things
timotimo cool, you made it works 21:51
samcv what i'm thinking of. is storing the licenses in an array. where each element of the array is another array 21:55
timotimo like a tree 21:56
samcv so '(MIT AND FOO) OR GPL' would be ['MIT', 'FOO'], ['GPL'] 21:57
so you need to accept all of the licenses from one of those two, so you can have MIT AND FOO or GPL
and then we can check to make sure that at least one element matches 21:58
this may be a little simplistic but it should work for all the cases i can think of right now
timotimo but what if you have (MIT OR FOO) AND GPL?
samcv then you have ['GPL', 'FOO'] ['GPL', 'MIT'] 21:59
timotimo oooh
so you "multiply" it out
samcv yeah
timotimo and when you have a "WITH" it'll be part of the string itself? 22:00
samcv yeah with applies to that one license
it's basically a license variation
my $match = 0; for ^@list.elems { $match++ if @list[$_].all ne any(@blacklist) } 22:02
samcv that's a lot of licenses
timotimo, see this github.com/Juerd/p6-mqtt/issues/3 22:04
timotimo yikes!
samcv though tbh some of those identifiers are deprecated it found
and are replaced with FOO WITH exceptionname
timotimo interesting
samcv but regardless
was an interesting experiment 22:05
timotimo yeah i agree
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brrt brrt-to-the-future.blogspot.nl/2017...-mean.html 22:28
timotimo oh! 22:30
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