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samcv oh jnthn interestingly those linker scripts, i think the ruby implementation of libffi actually wrote some ruby code to parse those. so it seems this problem is not unique 09:42
would have been nice if *cough* the library loading framework did this library loading functionality
but alas
looks like gentoo and freebsd at least use linker scripts 09:43
10:05 AlexDaniel joined
jnthn samcv: Oh, interesting 10:41
That at least means somebody else was crazy enough to try and make stuff Just Work :)
samcv :) 10:43
see this issue here: github.com/ffi/ffi/issues/308 10:44
links to part of their codebase where they parse it in case it fails
in the 2nd post
jnthn Hm, not much code to try and do that 10:47
samcv but yeah essentialy we are mostly looking for 'GROUP ( /usr/lib/real.so )' 10:51
and that's it
so just have to extract that part from the linker script 10:52
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Geth MoarVM/even-moar-jit: c24d1cfbee | (Bart Wiegmans)++ | 2 files
Remove point spilling for calls

Point spilling was supposed to be an optimization for rare function call paths, but it interacted really poorly with full-spilling and judging from the generated code was just as often a pessimization. So I've decided to remove it, simplifying the ARGLIST preparing code, but also unocvering a bug in handling spilled values for ARGLIST, which I've also fixed. I intend to optimize spilling separately, making sure a value is not redundantly 'redefined' if the earlier definition is still in the same basic block.
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