01:53 ilbot3 joined
Geth MoarVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #656:
== was a no-op, correct it to an =
MoarVM: samcv++ created pull request #657:
Rework MVMNFGSynthetic to not store base separately
03:30 leedo joined 03:31 leedo joined
Geth MoarVM: 62f66cbfd8 | (Samantha McVey)++ | src/strings/ops.c
Ensure strings created with MVM_string_repeat are in NFG form

Check that string a is stable under concatenation with itself before returning. If it isn't, then run it through re_nfg, similarly to what we do in MVM_string_concatenate.
03:40 leedo joined 05:02 Zoffix joined, JimmyZ joined, leedo_ joined 05:03 SmokeMachine joined 05:07 eater joined 05:37 brrt joined
Geth MoarVM: c5b23f15f1 | MasterDuke17++ | src/spesh/optimize.c
== was a no-op, correct it to an =
MoarVM: 13bc298d66 | niner++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/spesh/optimize.c
Merge pull request #656 from MasterDuke17/fix_an_==_to_an_=

  == was a no-op, correct it to an =
06:15 lizmat_ joined 06:40 brrt joined 07:10 domidumont joined 07:14 domidumont joined
brrt samcv: i'm still thinking you could initialize a grapheme iterator at the start of knuth_morris_parth 07:14
and then, when the algorithm gives you a skip, you can just access that directly 07:15
and maybe, also do it only for very long Haystacks
(or measure it or something)
07:23 domidumont joined
brrt (graph.c is the refactor from hell :-() 07:41
i broke something in inlines handling and i can't find what 08:12
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brrt hey jnthn 10:47
it seems as spesh can drop or skip an inline
nine Any pointers on how I get an entry label for a manually created JIT graph containing just a call of a C function?
brrt if you've created the graph, you can make it compile with MVM_jit_compile_graph 10:48
which will do all the necessary stuff 10:49
since we're allocating a new page and stuff, it is kind of heavyweight
nine You mean the compile? That's done only once anyway
Right now my graph consists of a single MVM_JIT_NODE_CALL_C node. I strongly suspect, I need some kind of label node, too 10:50
Or whatever a label actually is
brrt not really, no
well, actually 10:51
you should add a label (0) 10:52
and then, compile will dwim
nine how do I do that?
brrt you'd do something like... 10:53
.tell jnthn i was kind of not expecting this; i'm mssing inline 0, and inlines not beingā€¦.. initialized, i'm running into trouble 10:54
yoleaux brrt: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
brrt .tell jnthn: gist.github.com/bdw/815007b3e9adb5...27f8a8da62
yoleaux brrt: What kind of a name is "jnthn:"?!
brrt .tell jnthn gist.github.com/bdw/815007b3e9adb5...27f8a8da62
yoleaux brrt: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
timotimo brrt: the error happens inside spesh_codegen? 11:00
brrt nah, it's during JITting
the inlines array in more recent version of the vector library is zeroed
timotimo the inline isn't put into the tree built by "children", but that's been that way ever since we inlined
brrt but in this old version that i'm being rebased on master, it's not 11:01
*that i'm rebasing
timotimo vector library?
brrt so that's my issue
dynamic array
src/core/vector.h in even-moar-jit
timotimo ah
nine Holy cow! It works! 11:04
I just added a label node with label.name = 0 and the se segfault is gone :) 11:05
brrt gist.github.com/bdw/b03c3de02750f9...it-graph-c 11:06
cool! 11:07
yeah, the jit uses a dynamic label to restore after trampolining
and that has to be label[0] to be correctly initialize
although that code i just showed would never work 11:08
(and i think you're going to need labels_num to be set to a correct number as well?) 11:09
nine nativecallinvoke will now use the JITed code for calling void foo(void) functions completely without dyncall
brrt are you making a new frame for it? 11:12
or will you just JIT it inline?
nine Right now MVM_nativecall_build JITs and stores the code in a new field in the MVMNativeCallBody. MVM_nativecall_invoke takes it from there. But it currently has to cheat by temporarily overwriting cur_frame->jit_entry_label. 11:14
Ideally I will be able to get rid of the nativecallinvoke op entirely and thus of the copying of arguments into an nqp::list 11:15
timotimo oooooh 11:16
nine I already build the whole sub that contains the nativecallinvoke op at runtime. So I will probably find a way :) 11:17
brrt awesome 11:23
good thing trains are slow
nine Ok, hang in t/04-nativecall/20-concurrent.t is also fixed now 11:28
Actually I may want to get into the avoiding nativecallinvoke business right away as handling of any arguments will be entirely different there 11:32
11:36 domidumont joined
Geth MoarVM/jit-legacy-cleanup: 06389bd07a | (Bart Wiegmans)++ | 3 files
Introduce a small dynamic array library

This generalizes a pattern of having growing collection in a malloc-backed array, and is heavily used in the expression JIT compiler.
MoarVM/jit-legacy-cleanup: ddac5fdb84 | (Bart Wiegmans)++ | 3 files
Use dynamic arrays for JIT building graph

This effectively makes the JIT graph 'mutable', thereby removing much of the need for a specialized 'builder' object. As a result, I've changed the interface of the graph builder 'methods' to take a graph directly.
MoarVM/jit_nativecall: 187ab6207e | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 4 files
JIT native calling void func(void) functions.

MVM_nativecall_build builds a JIT graph manually and compiles it. The result is attached to the MVMNativeCallBody. For now nativecallinvoke will enter that code using a hack to replace cur_frame->jit_entry_label. Ideally we will replace the whole frame containing the nativecallinvoke by the JITed code.
nine I think I will add a new nativecallinvokejit op and have nativecallbuild return whether we JITed or not. Then I can tailor the native sub body. 11:51
11:52 cognominal joined
nine Darn....as the train is so late anyway, they decided to have it just end in Innsbruck instead of going to Zurich 11:53
Ok, different train now. Seat reservation was for nought. No idea how to go on past Zurich... 12:10
12:12 SmokeMachine joined 12:20 lizmat joined 12:26 zakharyas joined
brrt nine, fwiw, i think you can get away with stacka-allocating all of that 12:52
because your leaking :-P
also, sucks to hear about the train
nine Ah, that answers the question if I need any of this after the MVM_jit_compile_graph call :) Thanks! 12:57
13:03 lizmat joined
nine "const_iX NYI" is a rather unexpected result of adding the nativecallinvokejit op 13:09
Could also be the result of giving nativecallbuild a return value 13:10
brrt that is unexpected, where does it die?
oh, that's probably because your offset in the bytecode stream is wrong
nine Ah, yes, forgot to adjust the cur_op += 13:11
All tests successful. That's rather scary :) 13:12
13:29 domidumont joined
Geth MoarVM/jit_nativecall: d8e7727a80 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/core/nativecall.c
Fix create_caller_code leaking memory
MoarVM/jit_nativecall: de3be33365 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 8 files
New nativecallinvokejit OP

This OP just invokes the JITed code which will handle argument fetching on its own so we can avoid the overhead of copying arguments into an nqp::list.
nine Coming closer to Switzerland now so I will probably lose network at some point 13:56
brrt interestingly, we can't handle vargs at all 13:57
jnthn waves from Lausanne 14:55
yoleaux 04:52Z <MasterDuke> jnthn: in the atomicint example in the docs `my atomicint $total = 0; start { for ^20000 { $total?++ } } xx 4; say $total;`, shouldn't it be `await start`? with await i always get 80000 printed, without it's always some random number less than that
10:03Z <Zoffix> jnthn: I added the missing `awaits` in atomic docs
10:54Z <brrt> jnthn: i was kind of not expecting this; i'm mssing inline 0, and inlines not beingā€¦.. initialized, i'm running into trouble
10:54Z <brrt> jnthn: gist.github.com/bdw/815007b3e9adb5...27f8a8da62
jnthn .tell brrt inlines can become dead code; there's a table of which ones did 14:56
yoleaux jnthn: I'll pass your message to brrt.
Geth MoarVM: pmurias++ created pull request #658:
Avoid evaluating arguments to MVM_ASSERT_NOT_FROMSPACE
15:35 brrt joined
brrt thanks jnthn, i figured the bug was in my own code :-) 15:36
yoleaux 14:56Z <jnthn> brrt: inlines can become dead code; there's a table of which ones did
brrt rebasing is some scary stuffā€¦ 16:01
Geth MoarVM/jit-legacy-cleanup: 362ba7956b | (Bart Wiegmans)++ | 3 files
Cleanup jit graph after use

Since we now allocate the inlines, deopts etc. using malloc, we have to free them after we're done.
MoarVM/jit-legacy-cleanup: fa7d818ca2 | (Bart Wiegmans)++ | 6 files
Replace explicit JIT function return frame check

This greatly simplifies the JIT compiler driver and jump-out logic. MVM_frame_try_return is now called within the JIT-compiled code.
16:19 geekosaur joined
Geth MoarVM: Skarsnik++ created pull request #659:
Add a source_address parameter to the connect instruction.
16:31 dogbert11 joined, robertle joined 17:00 domidumont joined
samcv good * everyone :) 17:33
Zoffix \0
Geth MoarVM: de7415bc65 | MasterDuke17++ | src/io/syncsocket.c
Add error string to 'failed to resolve' exception
MoarVM: 01a35b2790 | MasterDuke17++ | src/io/syncsocket.c
Shorten text of 'failed to resolve' exception
MoarVM: 78b3395534 | (Samantha McVey)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/io/syncsocket.c
Merge pull request #652 from MasterDuke17/add_error_string_to_failed_to_resolve_exception

Add error string to 'failed to resolve' exception
17:56 AlexDaniel joined 17:59 brrt joined 18:04 AlexDaniel joined 18:34 leont joined 20:36 geekosaur joined 21:27 lizmat joined
MasterDuke param_op_i causes INTERPOLATE to bail. it looks like none of the param_* ops are jitted, is that because cur_op increases by a variable amount? 21:31
21:31 dalek joined
MasterDuke oops, param_op_* ops 21:32
timotimo: looks like you're around, have any idea about ^^^? 21:38
timotimo param_* ops involve a function that returns a struct 21:39
the exact way that happens isn't defined sanely in any ABI
so trying to naively jit it gets you crashes 21:40
MasterDuke ah, nine's recentish commits
timotimo yeah
time for some card games 21:41
MasterDuke fun, what games?
Geth MoarVM/master: 9 commits pushed by (Samantha McVey)++ 21:55
22:15 dogbert11 joined
timotimo the "against humanity" card games 23:06
MasterDuke ah, played a couple times 23:09
btw, any reason i couldn't do the same thing for param_op_i that nine did for param_rp_i? i.e., return the MVMArgInfo's .i64 instead of the MVMArgInfo itself? 23:11
23:16 lizmat joined