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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
00:26 Enrico_Menotti9 joined, Enrico_Menotti9 left 00:37 Armadillo joined, Armadillo left 01:07 julius16 joined, julius16 left 01:37 zakharyas joined 01:38 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v zakharyas 02:14 G-virt12 joined, G-virt12 left 03:02 mattp__29 joined, mattp__29 left 03:37 MasterDuke left 03:58 btyler left 03:59 btyler joined 04:00 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v btyler 04:04 lizmat left 05:53 AlexDaniel left 05:59 domidumont joined 06:00 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v domidumont 06:09 domidumont left 06:51 domidumont joined 06:52 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v domidumont, Danielss890 joined, Danielss890 left 07:14 robertle joined 07:15 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v robertle 07:38 SirHellsing29 joined, SirHellsing29 left 08:00 AlexDaniel joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v AlexDaniel
AlexDaniel samcv: any news? :) 08:02
08:15 brrt joined 08:16 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v brrt 08:25 CaOsKid23 joined, CaOsKid23 left
brrt \o 08:37
08:49 Fabricio205 joined, Fabricio205 left, dev1990_ joined, dev1990_ left 09:16 brrt left 09:48 leont joined 09:49 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v leont 10:11 zakharyas left 10:33 Telsin27 joined, Telsin27 left 10:41 Ven`` joined 10:42 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Ven`` 10:49 Ven`` left 11:00 AlexDaniel left 11:29 zakharyas joined 11:30 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v zakharyas 11:35 Redfoxmoon left 11:59 lizmat joined
nine Now that I've ported base64_decode to NQP to get by with minimal changes to the nqp::serialize op, I realized that there's also the serialized_string_heap to deal with. And that can really not be accessed in any way. So it looks like I need to add an op anyway and this op can then return both the data and strings. 12:11
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nine Oh but there is! The string heap (an nqp::list) is passed to the nqp::serialize op and therefore perfectly accessible :) 13:34
13:59 vlatombe6 joined, vlatombe6 left, jesopo0 joined, jesopo0 left
nine Aaaand it works :) NQP builds with MoarVM's MAST compiler completely replaced by MoarVM::BytecodeWriter and so does rakudo :) But boy is it slow 14:01
timotimo oh my :)
nine Stage mbc : 141.596
timotimo i'm not sure how well --profile-stage works
whoops :)
nine Of course I really took "first make it work, then make it fast" to heart. 14:02
timotimo of course 14:03
14:03 p6bannerbot left 14:04 p6bannerbot joined, ChanServ sets mode: +o p6bannerbot
Geth MoarVM/jit-perf-map: 4b0263ec21 | (Bart Wiegmans)++ | 6 files
[JIT] Implement a perf map file on linux

So that we may profile (on linux) and have insight on the time spent on JIT-compiled frames.
Not sure if it will give good results, because we don't always compile with -fno-omit-frame-pointer.
14:35 patrickb joined 14:36 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v patrickb, brrt joined 14:37 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v brrt
brrt nine++ 14:38
many amaze
timotimo jit perf map!! 14:43
brrt: any intent to delete the file? 14:45
when moar shuts down, i mean
brrt no, why
that's what /tmp is for
timotimo i guess
brrt hmm 14:46
maybe you're right though
I don't really have time for it
timotimo that's fair
brrt well, right now. Feel free to unlink it though
nine Only a BEGIN time EVAL issue left. Those are always the most fun 14:47
brrt good luck 14:49
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nine LOL....if what I see is right, the fix for the BEGIN time EVAL issue also improved performance...dramatically: 16:15
Stage mbc : 11.565
(was 141.596 before)
16:16 patrickb joined 16:17 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v patrickb
diakopter hunh 16:20
16:20 lizmat left
diakopter can't wait to see the patch on that 16:20
nine Fix is just taking a MAST::Frame's $!frame_idx if available instead of looking for it in the frame list. Now it finds the frame and also doesn't have to iterate in most cases 16:22
Geth MoarVM/nqp-mbc: 2fd9da1665 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | lib/MAST/Nodes.nqp
Store serialized data and strings in MAST::CompUnit
MoarVM/nqp-mbc: 0863feafee | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/6model/serialization.c
Have nqp::serialize always return the serialized data
17:00 izibi9 joined, izibi9 left
japhb nine: Wow, that was either a really slow iteration, or it was done a LOT, sheesh 17:13
nine: In , you seem to now have an MVM_free(output) on one path and not the other. Also, since you're not returning off either path now, and you're doing the base64_encode on both paths, why have two separate paths? 17:18
nine japhb: didn't want to duplicate the if condition. Also I still consider this thing to be a POC more than anything else. Especially the changes to MoarVM 17:28
japhb nine: One of my comments was dependent on the other. If the MVM_free was only on one path *intentionally*, then having two paths makes some sense. If the intent was that both paths end with the exact same two lines (base64_encode() followed by MVM_free(output)), then it makes sense to leave them outside the if block as they were originally. In other words, it's not clear why the only diff in that CL is 17:33
anything more than removing 'return NULL;' on line 912.
17:44 AlexDaniel joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v AlexDaniel 17:47 seyeongkim6 joined, seyeongkim6 left 17:48 sxe20 joined, sxe20 left
nine Well in the case where output is assigned to tc->serialized, free()ing it would be counter productive 17:52
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japhb nine: Fair enough, but that leads me to a new question: Why are you stashing the pre-encoded form in tc->serialized and returning the encoded form from the routine? 18:30
18:30 AlexDaniel left
japhb Meaning, why do you need both forms? 18:31
nine I don't. tc->serialized is for MoarVM's own MAST compiler while the base64 encoded return value is AFAICT for tests. Neither really suits me. 18:38
japhb Ah! OK, I understand now. Thank you! 18:47
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nine Looks like there's just no way I can get a profile of that mbc code :/ 18:57
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timotimo nine: even when using nqp::startprofile and nqp::endprofile manually? 19:17
and, i suppose, feeding the result into the compiler's method that post-processes the data 19:18
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nine Still segfaulting in a broken stack ending in MVM_fixed_size_free called from JIT code 20:04
bin ends up 0 in MVMuint32 bin = bin_for(bytes); 20:06
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nine bytes is 7626968 20:06
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nine Ok, can't get rid of the segfault but it only happens after the profile got dumped. So it's good enough for me now 20:40
Preliminary investigation shows that we spend a lot of time in the methods that write to the byte code array. Which is good. Because those are the ones the new write* ops are supposed to help with :) And bad...because those methods all push which is not good for performance and changing that means changing a lot 20:41
20:46 ggoebel left
timotimo tbh i would have assumed that push is a tiny bit faster than bind_pos, as we manage the position in C and as an attribute, rather than in nqp as a register 20:59
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lizmat timotimo nine I can concur about push being faster than bindops 21:40
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