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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
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nine To get allocations really down and maybe reap the first speedup, I'll have to get rid of the MAST nodes for operands, not just ops. Now that's gonna be interesting. 09:13
What makes this whole thing difficult is really the inversion of control flow. When building the MAST, we start at the leaf nodes and build our way up. To get rid of those objects and assemble bytecode directly, I'll have to start assembling on the way down and end when I hit a leaf. 09:14
09:19 domidumont left 09:23 lizmat joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v lizmat
nine Now that I'm reading the code, I'm not sure why we wrap those values in MAST::XVal nodes in the first place. 09:33
You might say "ah, that's because e.g. a MAST::IVal also contains information about its size and signedness" and that's true. But we don't use this information anywhere.
And indeed it was rather easy to get rid of them. It also didn't change anything in terms of performance. But I guess there's just not _that_ many literals in the code. 09:56
10:00 Kinroy29 joined, Kinroy29 left 11:13 Guest63579 joined, Guest63579 left 11:19 leont joined 11:20 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v leont
nine Wow....this was a whole new level of confusing error message. 11:30
I got a "MAST::Local of wrong type specified" error when trying to get rid of the MAST::Local objects in the MAST. the error came after a change to a line just 5 lines above the place where the error was thrown. 11:31
Now you'd probably think like me that when doing something related to MAST::Locals, such an error indicates that there's some side effect of the change and the resulting MAST is just invalid. 11:32
Turns out: the error message has absolutely nothing to do with my changes to MAST::Local handling and were really just a type issue in the line I modified: my uint16 $index := $arg; 11:33
timotimo ouch
nine What's the chance of that?
timotimo yeah
when the compiler is involved in compiling itself, that kind of fun can happen 11:34
nine I've struggled with int types during the whole process of writing the bytecode writer and this is the first time I've got that exact error
Btw. getting rid of MAST::Local is not as easy as with the literal types since they are specifically checked for ins some places, e.g. to release the register. 11:52
Also I wonder how much this would really save. It's an object with a single int attribute. That's exactly what boxing will do with those ints anyway 11:53
timotimo so its main "purpose" is to have its identity? 11:54
nine yes
timotimo if you want you can "is box_target" the attribute and it'll be exactly a box :)
not sure if that helps at all 11:55
or is more comfortable
is it feasible to actually re-use the MAST::Local objects? like from a pool? 11:57
nine I don't see why not 11:59
timotimo that hopefully cuts down on allocations drastically and make this point moot? 12:00
alternatively, have a single array (per frame?) that stores the register types for all registers
that'll cut memory usage by like 5x for that exact piece of data
nine Actually that's already done 12:01
timotimo oh, OK
nine The re-use of MAST::Locals
Btw. I'm back to not being able to profile. Or rather I can get a profile of the mast stage. But it's useless, since in 28s runtime it records just 5 call frames totalling about 0.01s 12:03
timotimo interesting. is this with the html/json output or the sql output? 12:04
nine html 12:05
timotimo does it use more than one thread?
nine No. Code is:
timotimo correction: is any other thread active at the time, including the async i/o thread? 12:06
nine How can I find out?
timotimo hm. run it under gdb and see if it prints something about threads being started? 12:07
get an sql profiler output and count the number of INSERTs into the "profiles" table
if you got the sql output, why not directly put it into the new profiler tool :) 12:09
nine Where can I get that? 12:12
12:14 Ven`` left
timotimo 12:15
i'll look into more one-click distribution methods, too. like docker images or appimages or whatever 12:16
nine Same lack of data 12:19
12:21 Ven`` joined 12:22 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Ven`` 12:27 Ven`` left
timotimo OK, that's definitely curious 12:33
can you help me get that repro'd? 12:34
it's actually possible that you have to have the sub that does mvmstartprofile and mvmendprofile call your actual code
rather than having them in there
12:35 Ven`` joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Ven``
nine Nah, moving out the code in between didn't change anything 12:54
timotimo dang. 12:55
nine timotimo: to repro the issue extract that as /home/nine/rakudo and then run PROFILEMBC=1 gdb --args /home/nine/rakudo/install/bin/moar --libpath="blib" --libpath="/home/nine/rakudo/install/share/nqp/lib" --libpath="/home/nine/rakudo/install/share/nqp/lib" perl6.moarvm --nqp-lib=blib --setting=NULL --ll-exception --optimize=3 --target=mbc --stagestats 13:09
--output=CORE.setting.moarvm gen/moar/CORE.setting
in ~ 5 minutes, when the upload is actually complete
13:12 abbe21 joined, abbe21 left
nine now 13:14
mst heh 13:24
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timotimo i was having an eat 14:19
nine too 14:30
timotimo looks like the HLL Backend currently calls a sub that does startprofile 14:35
so maybe the profiler relies on "starting the profile" only after a return has happened 14:36
at least the call graph portion of it
i'm testing it wtih a corresponding change now
that didn't help, hum. 14:41
i was looking forward to using DDD to more comfortably browse through structs and such 15:10
... i can't write "break", it only comes out as "brk"
geekosaur someone's trapped in the seventies? 15:17
timotimo what other programs can gdb and let me graphically or at least interactively (not by typing ever-longer print commands) navigate structs and memory? :\ 15:19
geekosaur notably 15:21
but I didn't so much mean ddd as "brk" there 15:22
(ancient unix's lowest level process memory management, from a simpler time)
timotimo ah 15:24
i tried gdbgui before
it was hard to use together with rr
too many ways to make it freeze up 15:25
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MasterDuke hm, has gotten a little confused with the merging/branching that's gone on 17:45
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