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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
01:05 MasterDuke joined, MasterDuke left, MasterDuke joined 01:13 squashable6 left 01:16 squashable6 joined 01:36 lucasb left 01:46 AlexDaniel left 01:56 fake_space_whale left 02:09 fake_space_whale joined 03:39 evalable6 left 03:40 evalable6 joined 05:08 fake_space_whale left 05:34 robertle left 06:27 brrt joined
samcv kawaii, i can do that today i hope 06:37
06:38 domidumont joined
timotimo 06:40
i never knew nonblocking state was inherited by all other owners of the same "ofile"
but also: 06:42
brrt \o 07:01
nwc10 o/ 07:02
07:12 patrickb joined 07:17 lizmat_ is now known as lizmat 07:40 zakharyas joined 08:04 brrt left
lizmat anybody against bumping MoarVM / NQP ? 08:24
08:34 robertle joined 09:12 rba joined 09:33 brrt joined
brrt lizmat: not me 09:33
robertle I am trying to understand how moar handles the awkward generational GC case where an old object holds a reference to a young one 09:37
jnthn Write barrier
robertle is MVM_sc_wb_hit_obj() the right thing to look at? I am confused by the fact that it talks about compiling so much...
jnthn See wb.h
No, that's not it at all 09:38
lizmat brrt: bump has been done, Geth is still out so you may not have seen it
robertle thanks, wb.* makes a lot more sense :) 09:39
brrt ok lizmat! 09:44
10:32 domidumont left 10:59 patrickb left 11:40 zakharyas left 11:48 patrickb joined 12:21 domidumont joined 12:32 zakharyas joined 13:04 eaterof left 13:05 eater joined 13:31 lizmat left 13:34 lizmat joined 13:41 lizmat left, lizmat joined 14:03 domidumont left 14:12 domidumont joined 14:15 AlexDaniel joined
brrt parsers in C, not the happiest of things 14:25
lizmat and another Perl 6 Weekly hits the Net: 14:28
japhb Yay! 14:30
14:30 lizmat left 14:33 lizmat joined, robertle left 14:35 robertle joined 14:41 fake_space_whale joined
timotimo you can always make parsers in C better by running afl against them :3 14:43
14:49 brrt left 15:08 domidumont left 15:12 domidumont joined
timotimo absolutely incredible! my zstd code actually decompressed a frame of zstd data! 15:12
i even get the left-overs back 15:23
15:24 rba_ joined 15:26 rba left 15:31 rba joined 15:34 rba_ left 15:36 patrickb left
japhb timotimo: w00t! 15:39
timotimo it took me only like a month maybe 15:41
and three pages of notebook paper with rectangular diagrams 15:43
jnthn timotimo: I guess you didn't hear anything back from TPF about the domain/DNS? 15:51
timotimo we're hard at work! :) 15:52
i'm at WenZ's place right now
jnthn Ah, nice :) 15:53
japhb "WenZ"?
timotimo wendy & liz
as in
16:05 fake_space_whale left 16:07 zakharyas left 16:13 brrt joined 16:17 robertle left 16:39 lucasb joined 17:02 lizmat left 17:03 lizmat joined 17:27 brrt left 17:34 domidumont left 17:41 domidumont joined 17:46 domidumont left
japhb Ah 18:31
18:58 robertle joined 20:37 robertle left 22:48 lucasb left 23:39 AlexDani` joined 23:41 AlexDaniel left 23:52 TimToady_ is now known as TimToady, TimToady left, TimToady joined