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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
03:42 harrow left 03:47 harrow joined 04:58 harrow left 05:09 harrow joined 05:30 robertle left 05:33 brrt`` joined 06:03 discord6 left, discord6 joined, discord6 left, discord6 joined 06:06 discord6 left, discord6 joined 06:07 Geth left 06:08 discord6 left 06:19 synopsebot_ joined 06:22 domidumont joined 06:27 Geth joined 06:36 synopsebot_ left, Geth left, synopsebot left, Geth joined 06:43 synopsebot joined, discord6 joined, discord6 left, discord6 joined 06:47 Geth_ joined 07:00 discord6 left 07:01 Geth left 07:04 Geth joined 07:11 discord6 joined, discord6 left, discord6 joined 07:14 patrickb joined 07:16 Geth left 07:17 discord6 left, Geth joined 07:18 synopsebot_ joined, Geth left, synopsebot_ left, synopsebot left, Geth_ left 07:19 discord6 joined, discord6 left, discord6 joined 07:22 discord6 left 07:25 Geth joined, discord6 joined, synopsebot joined 08:04 zakharyas joined 08:16 robertle joined 08:33 synopsebot left 08:34 synopsebot joined
brrt`` \o 08:48
08:48 brrt`` is now known as brrt
nwc10 o/ 08:48
brrt wonders whether nwc10 has a greet-bot secretl 08:49
nwc10 none that I'm aware of 08:51
brrt well, since you're always here 09:03
jnthn He *is* the greet-bot! :P
nwc10 :-) 09:05
brrt: I think it's just that I'm at my desk most times that you appear on channel
09:34 brrt left 10:07 domidumont left 10:09 brrt joined, brrt left 10:47 zakharyas left 10:49 zakharyas joined 11:11 zakharyas left 12:08 domidumont joined
Geth MoarVM/more-pea: ebb455d059 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/spesh/pea.c
Basic handling of attribute viv

Eventually it'd be good to do away with it, but for now we'll do the basic handling of it in the EA.
12:20 domidumont left
Geth MoarVM/more-pea: eaa7f157e4 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/spesh/optimize.c
Extra DU chain check after PEA phase

To help understand if that's where the problems came from.
MoarVM/more-pea: 55d254cf74 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/spesh/pea.c
Make sure new PEA transforms fix up DU chains
jnthn nwc10: It probably gets a decent bit further after ^ :) 12:43
12:43 zakharyas joined
nwc10 I didn't check *that* too carefully. It still "finishes" with a DU error report 12:43
jnthn Huh, not here 12:44
says env 12:45
and #define MVM_SPESH_CHECK_DU 1
12:45 pamplemousse joined
jnthn Aha, yeah, managed to get it with that combo. Hmm. 12:46
nwc10 but it wins, not ASAN
jnthn Not sure the last one should matter but thought I'd done the previous two
bah, I typo'd one of them :P
hmm, it's sticking the materialization in a slightly naughty place 12:47
Though not sure why that'd make the DU chain wrong 12:48
Geth MoarVM/more-pea: 92d21cdc58 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/spesh/pea.c
Don't break arg instruction sequence

When we insert a materialization, make sure it goes prior to the prepargs.
jnthn Ohhh...ouch 12:57
It materializes the object in two different branches 12:58
Thus writing it on both sides into the very same register 13:00
Same version, even.
I wonder if that's even safe. Hm. 13:02
Ah, it is, I think. But how on earth to deal with the SSA versioning. 13:03
nine r 13:13
r 13:14
Geth MoarVM/more-pea: 28ee56669d | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/spesh/optimize.c
Move PEA phase earlier

We'll be moving all of the bigint lowering into PEA, so we need to do the unused log guard elimination *after* it. Further, PEA removes some guards, so it makes sense to clean up deopt after it. Caveat: we might produce more deopt point data that we never use during PEA, but I think that's mostly a small waste of memory/analysis time rather than something that can lead to lower quality code, whereas the way around we had it before could obviously reduce code quality.
jnthn Hmm, first time I've seen the point benchmark run in under half of the Perl 5 version (even without factoring out the Perl 6 startup time overhead). :)
Gotta do other stuff; bbl 13:27
nine That's the object creation benchmark? 13:34
13:36 brrt joined
brrt .ask samcv what do you want to do with PR #1072? 13:37
yoleaux brrt: I'll pass your message to samcv.
14:16 sena_kun joined 14:18 brrt left
jnthn nine: Yes 14:56
timotimo that sounds nice 14:58
jnthn Well, I think we can be 4x-5x faster with time/effort :) 15:01
But I should really tidy up the pieces I'm on with rather than chase that :P
timotimo aye 15:14
15:21 brrt joined 15:22 patrickb left 15:55 robertle left 16:08 patrickb joined 16:23 TimToady joined 16:32 domidumont joined 16:39 brrt left 16:45 zakharyas left 18:32 dogbert17 joined, pamplemousse left
dogbert17 jnthn: Is 30+ spectest fails the expected number currently on the more-pea branch? 18:37
timotimo i could imagine it 18:39
dogbert17 then I can relax, no need to report SEGV's etc 18:40
libuv 1.29 is out, 18:47
19:14 pamplemousse joined 19:18 domidumont left 19:28 robertle joined
lizmat seems to have some interesting fixes 19:37
dogbert17 I saw some Mac related stuff in there 19:38
19:42 MasterDuke left 19:43 pamplemousse left
jnthn dogbert17: I didn't even dare try spectest yet ;) 20:41
yoleaux 17:46Z <vrurg> jnthn: Invitation accepted. Thank you!
samcv .tell brrt ik hub gereageerd 21:04
yoleaux 13:37Z <brrt> samcv: what do you want to do with PR #1072?
samcv: I'll pass your message to brrt.
21:23 tadzik left 21:25 tadzik joined 21:29 robertle left 23:35 patrickz joined 23:38 patrickb left 23:45 patrickz left 23:46 sena_kun left