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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
ugexe jnthn: 01:21
looks like moarvm changes in master might have broken rakudo make test?
on windows
brrt \o 07:42
nwc10 o/ 07:43
brrt I'm going to get rid of `reg_type` in the linear scan allocator 07:53
oh hang on, reg_type means something differnet than I thought it di 07:55
I mean, reg_spec 08:05
Geth MoarVM/jit-expr-float: 17 commits pushed by (Bart Wiegmans)++
brrt fastcrash! 08:32
brrt hmm, debugging on windows isn't very easy 08:56
timotimo soon windows will ship a linux kernel, then debugging will be easier :P 08:58
jnthn timotimo: Yeah, but will it have the same bugs? ;) 12:39
Geth MoarVM/configurable-subsystems: 6 commits pushed by (Timo Paulssen)++ 13:40
timotimo (mostly a rebase)
pamplemousse Hi! I'm currently trying to reproduce this issue: and when I run the gdb command referenced in the issue, I get a message saying, "Reading symbols from /home/madeleine/sandbox/perl6/install/bin/moar...(no debugging symbols found)...done." I configured MoarVM with the --debug flag when I was setting everything up, do you guys have any ideas what I'm missing in trying to reproduce 15:53
timotimo pamplemousse: bin/moar usually has barely any debug symbols, but will have a load of 'em 16:02
timotimo the most important is that you get names, filenames, and line numbers when you "bt" 16:05
annoyingly, you can't put in breakpoints before the program has started
well, you can. you just have to click through a prompt every time 16:09
and you don't get tab completion
pamplemousse Thank you! Using worked. 16:13
MasterDuke pamplemousse: looks like i didn't need to in this case, but you often need to disable the jit (e.g., MVM_JIT_DISABLE=1 gdb ...) to get good backtraces 16:17
pamplemousse Getting a bit further, but it doesn't get to .gdbinit. I'm not super comfortable with gdb so it might be that. I needed chmod $HOME/perl6/install/share/perl6/runtime/perl6.moarvm and $HOME/perl/lib/ but now get the symbols read. 16:24
timotimo that's a little odd 16:26
i'm not sure the ".gdbinit: running app" message is necessary
what do you mean it "doesn't get to" that?
MasterDuke how did you build moarvm?
pamplemousse The .gdbinit: running app message doesn't happen and it doesn't start up any of the threads and I can't backtrace. I'm executing the equivalent gdb command for: 16:29
timotimo do you perhaps have to "run" before anything happens?
oh! 16:30
you know, if you have a very up to date rakudo, you don't have to have the long command
and in fact
it may not work
i believe the new runner will forward --full-cleanup for you from the perl6 command
so maybe this works: gdb --args perl6 --full-cleanup -e 'blah blah code here blah' 16:31
pamplemousse MasterDuke: From the head of the current source for MoarVm with ./ --prefix="appropriate prefix" --debug; make install
timotimo i often not only --debug but also --optimize=1 or even --optimize=0 so that debugging gets easier
MasterDuke or --debug=3 16:32
timotimo i'm not actually completely certain if that makes a difference (but i do pass it always)
pamplemousse I'll try that, thanks 16:33
timotimo BBL 16:36
pamplemousse MasterDuke: Are you currently able to use the gdb command from #1068 to reproduce the same output? This is my output: 16:49
MasterDuke pamplemousse: did you type 'run' in gdb? 16:52
pamplemousse I did and I got an unhandled exception: index start offset out of range at gen/moar/main.nqp:1 16:55
MasterDuke i changed the command to `gdb --args /home/dan/Source/perl6/install/bin/perl6 --full-cleanup -e 'for ^2 { my $cmd = run « echo 1 », :out; $cmd.out.close }'` and it works 16:57
but i now get `Unhandled exception: Cannot find method 'name' on object of type Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW` instead of the segv 16:58
but valgrind still complains about `invalid read` and `Process terminating with default action of signal 6 (SIGABRT): dumping core` 16:59
woah! if i configure moar with --valgrind i get tons of errors 17:01
pamplemousse Just tried running the command again and I'm now getting the same unhandled exception command as you 17:02
MasterDuke afk for a bit, but it looks like you're making progress now 17:03
pamplemousse Thanks for your help! 17:04
Grabbing lunch, BBL 17:08