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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
Geth MoarVM: Kaiepi++ created pull request #1132:
Fix the CStr REPR's copy_to function
dogbert11 o/ 13:23
is the following message a sign of memory corruption or something else? MoarVM panic: Illegal Gen2 -> Nursery in caller chain (not in inter-gen set)
jnthn Yes, something like 13:24
dogbert11 valgrind is unfortunately silent in this case although the panic persists 13:25
jnthn Well, it can be missing write barriering or some such also maybe 13:26
dogbert11 I get it when running t/04-nativecall/23-incomplete-types.t with MVM_GC_DEBUG=1
this is a recently added test file 13:27
jnthn That's also a chance the check is a bit over-zealous...
oh no
"not in inter-gen set" means it's certainly a problem
dogbert11 it looks like this in gdb FWIW: 13:32
hah, timotimos linkify script is really cool 13:33
timotimo glad to hear it :) 14:05
Kaiepi what are the unmanaged_size functions for in REPRs? 14:26
jnthn Amount of memory that it has allocated that isn't out of the GC pool 14:28
jnthn For example, for an array only the header is in the GC's nursery or gen2 store, and the body of the array is allocated using other memory management 14:29
Kaiepi which part of the array would be unmanaged? the body? 14:31
jnthn yes 14:31
Kaiepi ah ok
would CStr's c strings be considered unmanaged since they never get any refs assigned to them and get freed manually from gc_free? 14:33
timotimo hold on, the MVMArrayBody isn't the unmanaged size 14:35
if you're thinking of that
you can think of "anything we malloc or mmap explicitly, that's unmanaged size"
and we try to count it only one time, though that's not always easy to guarantee
jnthn Kaiepi: Yes, that would count 14:37
Kaiepi aight, thanks
timotimo unmanaged_size was introduced when the heap snapshot profiler got made 14:40
jnthn m: say 14521722665 / 15353500781 15:43
camelia 0.945824855981
jnthn Hmmm....I'm not sure I believe these numbers...
Oh, duh...I picked a benchmark with randomness in it :/ 15:44
Didn't notice until now
jnthn And now I've got realistic numbers, my opt seems not to be one? :/ 15:53
urgh, I'm getting wildly different callgrind numbers between runs :/ 16:02
That makes it useless
I've got MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING=1 set 16:03
Wondering if it's hash randomization somehow 16:04
nwc10 step away from the keyboard and visit the beer fridge? 16:06
(you should ignore this suggestion in you're having a dry day) 16:07
jnthn It was hash randomization... 16:08
nwc10 oh gosh. why? (different CPU counts in just the hash code, or does it have ripple effects outwards?) 16:09
jnthn I don't know; I guess in theory it could cause different numbers of collissions and thus even affect growth rates? 16:10
TimToady maybe we have some bad functions that put a bunch into one slot? 16:11
jnthn What's a bit annoying is that just changing the MVM_HASH_RANDOMIZE to 0 isn't enough, though I'm going to fix that.
TimToady: I guess it's possible, though I suspect it's just fallout from the randomization 16:13
samcv++ put the randomization in, and probably would guess what might be going on better than I can :) 16:14
m: say 16172514963 / 16501633892 16:15
camelia 0.980055373234
jnthn 2% feels righter for the change I've done
jnthn makes sure the numbers are really stable now :)
I've been looking over various profiles and...our invocation performance was never that great, but now we've optimized enough other stuff to the point that it looks relatively horrible. :) 16:16
So I'm looking at what we can do to decrease the cost there 16:17
TimToady suspects dynvar lookup is getting "worse" in the same way 16:20
jnthn Yay, results are repeatable 16:23
2% of CPU cycles off by not setting up the arg processing context for frames that are specialized and so don't need one 16:24
(If we deopt, we create it then)
timotimo :+1: 16:41
jnthn Spectest seems happy
nine jnthn: what's the other thing one has to do to get rid of hash randomization? I think I even knew at some point but forgot 16:44
jnthn A tweak in moar.c, but I'm about to push a commit that means changing the #define is enough :) 16:45
timotimo i'm amused how close to 2% that ended up being in that last calculation 16:46
jnthn Yeah, so was I
Geth MoarVM/frame-opts: 6f67d8760a | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 12 files
Only create arg processing context if needed

Most specialized frames do not need it, since they rewrite their argument processing code into something far cheaper. We can also save the cost of cleaning it up afterwards. On a benchmark doing quite a lot of non-inlinable calls, this saved ~2% of the total CPU cycles, as measured by callgrind.
MoarVM/frame-opts: ac8c3fc1b6 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/moar.c
Make MVM_HASH_RANDOMIZE properly control hash rand

Before, if one set it to 0, some randomization could still happen. The sure-fire way to make sure that doesn't happen is to just fix the hash secrets to 0 also.
jnthn m: say 16172514963 / 16152422888 17:17
camelia 1.001243904716
jnthn oops, wrong way around
m: say 16172514963 R/ 16152422888
camelia 0.998757640661
jnthn (A tiny improvement :)) 17:18
Though the first machine I spent a lot of time programming on ran at 25 MHz, and this saving would have been nearly a second of CPU time for it :P
Geth MoarVM/frame-opts: 8ae4b61462 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/moar.c
Make MVM_HASH_RANDOMIZE properly control hash rand

Before, if one set it to 0, some randomization could still happen. The sure-fire way to make sure that doesn't happen is to just fix the hash secrets to 0 also.
jnthn MasterDuke++ noticed a mistake in that commit :)
Geth MoarVM/frame-opts: 6c1c015641 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 8 files
Avoid having to NULL ->extras on each frame

By using ->flags instead. This saves us at least one CPU instruction per call frame creation.
jnthn dinner & 17:30
brrt` good * 19:38
nwc10 good *, brrt` 19:51
jnthn o/ 20:01
brrt` ohai nwc10, jnthn 20:12