Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
Geth MoarVM/2021.07: d1cf25a119 | Altai-man++ | docs/ChangeLog
Update ChangeLog for 2021.07 release
MoarVM/2021.07: 145248e16e | Altai-man++ | VERSION
Bump VERSION for release
MoarVM: Altai-man++ created pull request #1521:
2021.07 release
nine sena_kun that dead lock was introduced in the same dev cycle as it was fixed. Thus the fix does not have to be in the ChangeLog 11:00
Geth MoarVM: d1cf25a119 | Altai-man++ | docs/ChangeLog
Update ChangeLog for 2021.07 release
MoarVM: 145248e16e | Altai-man++ | VERSION
Bump VERSION for release
MoarVM: 20f363d437 | Altai-man++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
Merge pull request #1521 from MoarVM/2021.07

2021.07 release
Altai-man nine, hmm, let's say a minus with a minus gives a plus.
one potential way to avoid such blunders is to put the burden on devs and I'd like to avoid that. another is to have a deeper understanding of what's going on which is not a real solution. 11:07
Guest74 anyone on 15:12
[Coke] . 15:13
MasterDuke i'm about to go play some horizon zero dawn, but did you have a question? 15:14
Guest74 i need help with making android ISO work with a VM
good game
MasterDuke doubt i can help, i've never used android 15:16
and yeah, enjoying it
Guest74 have tou met the back guy yet in the game
he is an intresting character 15:17
thanks anyway
timo Guest74: i'm curious, how did you stumble upon this channel? 15:35
nine Altai-man: that's why I pointed it out. As the dev who introduced and fixed the bug I knew that :) 16:30
Altai-man nine, thanks for your attention as always. :) 16:31
nine Thanks for doing the tedious release work!
MasterDuke oh, ha. Guest 74 and [Coke] had very similar coloring and i didn't even notice it wasn't [Coke] asking if anyone was on 16:32
Altai-man need 3 more releases to break previous record sequence
MasterDuke timo: i assume they saw 'VM' in the name 16:33
Altai-man++, all release managers++
Altai-man I'll probably need some rest after the second year though