Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
MasterDuke i'm trying to remember what i was working on last, and drawing a bit of a blank. guess i should try to finish up the gmp branch 00:41
MasterDuke but iirc, assuming i find the last remaining windows bug, there's still the problem that it aborts if exponentiation would result in too big of a number. and iirc again, i couldn't find a way to sufficiently catch the abort. may have to carry around some patch to change its behavior 00:43
i'm also tempted to see if i can learn enough to materially help out on the rakuast branch, but that's a different can of worms 00:50
japhb MasterDuke: nine had said that he had specifically *avoided* stealing the low-hanging fruit on the RakuAST branch so as to leave room for people to ramp up. 00:51
Plus there's currently a discussion on whether it's valuable to release a new Raku language version without RakuAST substantially in place, and the best answer to that I believe is to make it a moot point by finishing RakuAST. (Or as I said, substantially so.) 00:52
So ... yes please? :-)
MasterDuke hah 00:53
hm. just did a `git fetch upstream` and see updates to both rakuast and rakuast_wip branches 00:54
it did install just fine on the rakuast branch 01:52
Nicholas good UGT, #moarvm 06:21
patrickb MasterDuke: I'd be very sad to see your 09:50
GMP work die of bit rot.