Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
09:48 sena_kun joined 11:17 samcv left
ab5tract ooc, what's the reason for storing boot type references per thread context? or am I misunderstanding `tc->instance->boot_types.BOOTInt`? 11:50
Geth MoarVM: ab5tract++ created pull request #1810:
Attach the spawn_result when it contains an error code
MoarVM/main: f1173cb26a | ab5tract++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/io/procops.c
Attach the spawn_result when it contains an error code

Previously this was only accessible via parsing the provided error message instead. The error code itself is useful for setting the exit code of the (failed) invocation attempt.
Part of fixing R#1590.
linkable6 R#1590 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1590 [tests needed][regression][severe][procs] Procs should not get back with “exit code: 1” if the program does not exist at all
19:01 sena_kun left 19:02 sena_kun joined
patrickb Hi everyone! 20:00
ab5tract hey hey :) 20:03
patrickb I have opened three Moar PRs related to the behavior &return in LEAVE phasers in January. Consensus about the behavioral change has just been reached. Is there any guideline how we want to merge PRs? I fear if I don't push the merge button myself, the PRs will lie dormant for a long time. 20:04
I did touch frame related code though, so a second set of eyes might not be too bad of an idea.
#1782, #1785 and #1788 20:07
lizmat would it be ok to lift his into the 2024.06 release ? 20:16
we're very close to 2024.05
releasable6__ lizmat, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: github.com/Raku/whateverable/wiki/Releasable
lizmat releasable6__: status
releasable6__ lizmat, Next release in ≈3 days and ≈22 hours. There are no known blockers. Changelog for this release was not started yet
lizmat, Details: gist.github.com/1c55a7c1da9e1d0ab0...e2955f51b0 20:17
patrickb lizmat: I'm absolutely ok with not merging this right now. I just don't want this to sit there for another four months without any clear way forward. 20:19
lizmat unless someone disagrees, I will merge after the release 20:20
nine Needs proper review first 21:26
lizmat nine: noted 21:33
23:09 sena_kun left